What is your cold remedy of choice?

Asda flu sachets, lemsip copy, if i can get ahead of it if not same and ideally as cold a shower as possible I find helps a lot, same for headaches. Not sure if cures it or I get so cold I don't care about the flu/cold :D
I've found regular exercise has been a great immune booster. I very rarely get a cold these days, had a 1 day sniffle that was it.

In the past hot toddy has been my go to. Decent honey, loads of lemon, cheap whisky. No point in using the good stuff. Couple of those, early night, repeat daily until better.
As soon as I feel it coming, I rinse my sinuses out a couple of times a day. Seems to take a few days away from recovery time.
You used to be able to get a product called Hactos that could cure aids. That was like tnt for your chest and a spoonful in hot water sorted you right out. Cant get it any more though, so just have to grin and bear with it. Have had a chest infection for 3 weeks now.
What are the side effects of consuming honey and lemon....
Allergic reaction I would imagine would be the most serious, too much honey can cause weight gain, too much lemon can cause skin issues especially on the tongue, lemon juice contains tyramine which can cause migraines, too much lemon can cause nausea and heartburn, lemon can cause enamel erosion .

Here is a quick list of the honey ones.
Wheezing and other asthmatic symptoms
Excessive perspiration
Irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias)
Stinging after topical application

Paracetamol arguably has less side effects than those two put together.
lots of water and maybe paracetamol

I usually drink coffee but it feels like it makes a cold worse, something unpleasant about it when I've got a cold, tastes 'sharp' somehow so drink tea
When I was younger I could normally sweat them out quickly with extreme physical exercise followed by a couple of decent glugs of Benylin (full-fat stuff, none of that non-drowsy rubbish). Nowadays I just wrap up warm, get into bed and eat dark chocolate digestives, salted and/or dry roasted peanuts, Bournville chocolate, chicken soup etc and try to rest.
1) I think there is some actual value in Ginger, based on nothing more than it is widely used in asian countries for colds and coughs.

2) Lemsip Max. Who walks into a pharmacy with a rotten cold/cough and thinks "No, I won't go for the one that has the ingredients that'll given me the maximum benefit, I'll go for the non-max one instead" ! Had this thought myself a few weeks ago when I had serious manflu.

I bought the Max version...and strepils...and honey...and something to unblock the nose.
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Anyone ever take Herbal Echinacea at the first signs of a cold ? my mate swears by it and says it reduces the colds effects and helps him get over it much quicker. Im skeptical.
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