What is Your favorite Trainners

12 Jun 2006
List your favorite trainners and pictures if you have any, i LOVE trainners and have about 25 Pairs now :D and most are Addidas Orignals (love old school ones)

My favorite pair is the good old Superstars (i have 4 pairs) ;)

Gilly said:
Nike Air Max Classics
Nike Air Jordan
Reebok Pump
Nike Air Force 1
Adidas Shelltoe Classics (inc. Superstar II)
Nike Air Tailwind
Nike Air Pegasus

i see your a nike man then, i had a pair of nike air Jordon back in 1990 and they cost me £60 :eek: also nike air vortex where a cool pair of trainners
Gilly said:
I wouldn't say I'm particularly a Nike man, I just prefer the older Nikes to the older other manufacturers. For the record, there's very few modern trainers I like :(

Get out :mad:

Those aren't trainers, they're fat skate slippers and do not qualify.

modern trainners are very poor now :( and yes skate trainners do not qualify as they make your feet look like clogs
Gilly said:
I used to really like Reebok Classics. They were adaptable to anything. Going to the pub (if they were clean), going for a run, playing footy...

They're the one trainer thats been absolutely ruined by the chav :(

And they started falling apart quicker I noticed too. They used to last a season of 5-a-side footy, but 3 or 4 years later only lasted half a season to a pair. Unless I'd just started kicking the ball harder :/

i did go though a stage with the classic's but that was when i lived in London :eek: , i think the city and the people in it have a choice if trainners

London and the south = Reebok & Nike

Up North = Addidas
Mackass said:
I never ever wear trainers when out and about, apart from when I drive - cannot drive with Timberlands. But I've been looking into a pair of K-Swiss recently, they look decent.

Please dont buy K-Swiss, got to be worse than Hi-Tec :eek:
G|mp said:
I have these at the moment



ah the New york shell toes i have a pair of these and a pair of forset hills but with blue soul, nice taste ;)
G|mp said:
I wish i could afford all of them i loved that 35th anniversary range

Well apart from the i <3 London ones, next up for me are those i posted before
and some Adidas Muhammed Ali's and some baby blue Gazelles :D

The Ali's are well nice i have a pair in white/black but they feel heavy comparied to the Shell toes
William said:
The Ian Brown ones were fetching £300 odd a pair. :eek:

yah some silly prices, my friend sold a pair of nikes on ebay for £900, he paid £600 for them, Someone from japan bought them, lots of fake 35th going around though :mad:
Rotty said:
no pics cos I don;t know what they are called to search for them but I have 3 pairs of black Prada ones and some red Puma ones ( something to do with some Japanese designer )

not really into trainers TBH , just wear them for slobbing about in

Are the red ones Adiddas Y3 YOHJI YAMAMOTO
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