What is Your favorite Trainners

Arcade Fire said:
What "is" my favourite trainers? Christ, it's like I've walked into chav central.

PS I don't buy trainers. I buy shoes.

Well i bet you will love these then, and you can start your own "what shoes do you have" thread

Rotty said:
very close , mine are red with white stripe , rest looks similar ( but not identical ) design

what are they called ? and where does the Japanese bloke fit into things ?

his name is MIHARAYASUHIRO he also designs for addidas the Y3 stuff, bit like when the M series guys gets hold of a BMW 325i and it becomes a M3 ;)
Arcade Fire said:
What the hell is that? The ******* spawn of an impotent toad and a dead ferret? Find me some real shoes and I might dignify you with a proper response.

i thought you would like them, who needs prada shoes when you can have lovely clarks, the shoes of the summer them babys ;)
smokedog said:
I love trainers, here's my pair of 35th anniversary Chillin Pepper adidas superstar. Still box fresh :D

now we are smoking they are great, looking about £100 - £200 for them now on fleebay

you going to wear them
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