What is your favourite Fallout game?

I think it partly depends on what appeals to you more.

For roleplaying, 1 and 2 are probably the best but of course the UI and appearance are far worse than the others.

For building, 4 is clearly the best especially if you use building mods. Above all, Place Everywhere. That mod alone utterly transforms building. Add in mods to effectively remove the building budget, mods to increase the allowed settlement height and/or radius, mods to increase what can be scrapped, mods to change the terrain, mods to add thousands of extra buildable items, mods to change textures of buildable items, mods to allow you to blueprint buildings or sections of buildings so you can duplicate them easily...you can turn FO4 into a genuinely good building game, where you really are rebuilding society. Scavving missions to acquire materials, building to make new settlements. You can even install a variety of related mods to have the settlers do the building under your management to a chooseable degree (the Sim Settlements mods). The story, however, is poop. I played for ~200 hours before I finished it and did it only to get it out of the way. I didn't care at all.

For story, I think NV is best. I didn't finish 3 because of the escort mission near the end, but I did enjoy exploring and reading the background stories. Also, 3 has an unappealing start. The entire opening section is effectively just a tutorial - the game itself doesn't really start until you leave the vault. It would be easy to be put off by the frankly rather dull start.

Mods change everything (and is one of the many reasons why FO76 is rather bad). For example, the full dialogue mod is arguably essential if you want to play FO4 as anything other than a mediocre FPS. It certainly adds a lot to the game.

I think I have a bias towards 4 because it's the only one I've played with mods. Mods are a really big deal.
I think I enjoyed the story of 3 the most, but loved the map of NV more. 4 was pretty decent but nowhere near as good as those two.

Never played 1 and 2, and certainly don't intend to play 76 more than the 20 or so minutes I tried.
I've only played 3, New Vegas and 4. Out of the 3, Fallout 3 was my personal favourite and has the most memories.

It was my first Fallout game and I was blown away at the visuals back then as well as the world detail and many side quests. I tried New Vegas but it turned out to be one of the buggiest games I had ever played - it was just crash city from the start and I didn't get far (literally cazador fodder minutes after being let loose in the game) before I uninstalled and called it quits months later. I never went back.

4 I liked at first despite the fact that it was still clunky to play and didn't feel like it was doing much new when compared to Witcher 3 that had raised the bar beyond reach. The storyline was rubbish, all the factions were rubbish, the dialogue was hilariously rubbish and I was sick of the Creation Engine at this point. I did spend 180hrs in the game though - a good amount of that was post completion just wandering around exploring.
Loved 4 personally. Spent the vast majority of time settlement building though.

Ditto. I've not played anything earlier than 3, so I expect all the purists to pile and say that any Fallout that isn't isomentric is not the Real Thing. F3 was OK, but the constant repairing of weapons got annoying, and the tiny amount of the city that you could actually enter seemed a huge waste. F:NV was nowhere near as clever as the writers thought, and certainly nowhere near as clever as the fanboys thought. Any game where you have to read a cheat website to work out the best way to play the quests is not a good game. F4 is not perfect - but it nearly gets there. Yes, the quests are bit samey, but that's true of any random quest system. The main quest is annoying, but easy to skip. And the settlement building bit makes it all worth while. Apparently I've played it 1557 hours.
Fallout 3 for me although I loved NV too. I too never got around to completing Fallout 4, seems to be a theme there? Currently playing Fallout 76, only just started it and liking it. Apart from the crashes. :rolleyes:
Ditto. I've not played anything earlier than 3, so I expect all the purists to pile and say that any Fallout that isn't isomentric is not the Real Thing. F3 was OK, but the constant repairing of weapons got annoying, and the tiny amount of the city that you could actually enter seemed a huge waste. F:NV was nowhere near as clever as the writers thought, and certainly nowhere near as clever as the fanboys thought. Any game where you have to read a cheat website to work out the best way to play the quests is not a good game. F4 is not perfect - but it nearly gets there. Yes, the quests are bit samey, but that's true of any random quest system. The main quest is annoying, but easy to skip. And the settlement building bit makes it all worth while. Apparently I've played it 1557 hours.

The settlement building is what kept me interested, well obsessed, for months. Tearing down buildings so I could run hidden power conduits through them and making roof top gardens etc was just pure awesomeness. I wish there was a standalone DLC purely for it. Not near 1500 hours though, although I had more than that in Black Ops 2. Having a child stopped all that business.
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