What "man jobs" have you done today?

Not sure its mans job but just spent the past 4 hours trying to add a H80 to the pc.
It was supposed to be a 30 min job but as it turns out my pc case thermaltake level 10 original has an easy accessible trap door behind the motherboard.

However this trap door was in the wrong place to get the back bracket for the H80 attached meaning I had to strip most of the pc down to fit it. Dunno if its just a poor design or if intel has changed the position of the cpu but really annoyed about it.

Whilst my pc was in peices I gave it a good clean and the components with compressed air.

Its all done now till I add a AF140 to it tomorrow as i'm not liking the 140mm fan in the front of the pc now.
Relaxed.. did a little bit of re-grouting.

Yesterday.. mowed lawn, re-regrouted, re-silicon sealed bath & shower, cleaned out fish filter. Was pooped after doing that following spin class on friday night.
This weekend I have put some down pipes on new guttering. Built an Uuni2s pizza oven and made first pizzas. Postcreted 3 picket fence posts that blew over early this year. Then rebuilt picket fence and repaired. Mowed part of the lawn. Fitted a new light in kitchen. Cooked a roast dinner.

Tired now.
Built a patio table and a small table with the leftover wood from the pallet wall and whilst waiting for stain, varnishing sanding to dry, Cut the grass, Sprayed the garage with water sealant, general tidy up.... although you cant tell and numerous trips to screwfix and evil homebase. Who just happen to have the most incomptent staff on the planet. I am surprised one woman has manage to live beyond 50 by being so useless.
We've just had a side door put on our new build garage so started to organise it (used it as a dumping ground since we moved in) and put together two more VonHaus shelving units - now have 4 in there, 3 as full height and one has half.


Slightly rubbish picture but the entire right side has a couple of sofas which we're giving away plus various old household bits which we'll be throwing in the tip. Also moved a ton of boxes into the roof space. It'll be nice once all the stuff is gone!
I've had last week off work and spent the entire time working on projects around my garden and house.

The first project was building a pergola onto a concrete base that was at the end of the garden when I moved in.


Terrible photo but it shows the base


After a couple of days of work, which involved a lot of decisions as to where to postion posts etc I now have a nice pergola at the end of the garden which I will in time add plants and lighting to.

Viewed from upstairs in the house:


The next project was building a bench from a load of 4inch round fence posts OI was given a couple of years ago.

I was fortunate to have access to a large table saw to split some of the posts in half length ways to give me pieces for the back and seat.

The design was based on a bench my parents have so we had a good idea what we were doing and I bagan the design in Sketchup so we could see how things fitted. It took the best part of a day, under a gazebo to shelter from the pouring rain but we managed to get it built. I'ts very heavy and sturdy and can easily take the weight of three adults! :)


The third project was sorting out a wooden cable reel I have had laying around for a couple of years so it is useable as a table. This involved raising the height a bit and reducing the diameter of one of the sides so you can get chairs in close enough to eat etc.

Measuring and cutting the diameter of one side:


All sorted and ready for use as a table! I still intend to sand it all down and treat it to give it a nicer finish but for now it's useable as table as it is.


The table in place under the pergola, starting to look nice down at the end of the garden now:


Next up was sorting out the downstairs toilet. This was awful when I moved in, mould and peeling paint and general dirt and grime (and spiders...lots of spindly spiders!). As such it near got used as a toilet as became a dumping ground and essentially a cupboard. However I really want to have it a toilet so I needed to get working on it.

This is how it looked when I cleared out the stuff that had been stored in there, disgusting I'm sure you'll agree!


I'm trying to do it up on a really tight budget as I'm somewhat skint so I'm using up paint etc that I have laying around, and making do with materials etc I have to hand at the moment. In the future I will do more with it but for now I just want it to be useable.

A bit of a clean and a lick of paint and it's looking better already! Still lots to do, but it will be useable soon!


Yesterday I visited my parents and pickup my old (15 years or so) cast iron chimnea. It was corroded on the the surface and the wooden handles had rotted away but with the addition of some new handles and a coat of plasticote stove paint and it's looking rather nice again now:


A tiring but productive week.Today I'm back at work and enjoying the rest at my desk!
upload a gif

New Patio table, with leftovers from the pallet wall. (cost about £30 for the stains and varnish)

Need to get some plastics discs for under the legs as its only softwood at the end of the day. Should last a couple of years before the elements catch up with it.
Started boxing in the fireplace a couple weeks ago after having an old baxi back boiler removed. The OH an I decided against a replacement fire as the heating system is now more than sufficient. So we decided to throw the TV on the wall and use the cavity as a small AV Rack.
Changed the syphon on the close coupled toilet downstairs as the old one wasn't flushing. What should have been a 20 minute job turned into a 2hr one as the toilet is around 20yrs old, so the bolts holding the cistern to the pan were completely rusted together, so some brute force, plenty of wd40, some heat and eventually a junior hacksaw with lots of swearing got the bolts off.
This is how said fireplace looks at the moment:


Just gotta get things wired up and get the TV mounted and we're away for No Mans Sky tomorrow!
Bit of garden work today.

From this.

Via this.

To this.

Need to treat the panels next & dig out the crap & bring in aprox 2 tons of top soil.
Been working on new summerhouse for last few weeks and today got to point of putting plywood on top of floor as it is constructed from planks of wood about 4x1 rather than T&G like sides. Now they are drying out and shrinking slightly you can see through the cracks - Would you believe one plank was a bit higher than all the others - too high as there's a hump when ply is on- So out came my trusty 35 yr old B&D planer.

The damn thing broke on me - belt snapped - still it's sat in tool box unused for quite a number of years and £2.99 for a new belt won't break the bank.

Another week or so should see us moving in. :)
Built some barn doors from scratch, added a sliding mechanism and installed new 55" TV in the bedroom.
Wiring was the hardest part as no power was there, and be damned if I had cables hanging around :D


It's nothing I'd pick, however kudos to the OP, it's definitely quirky!
Not picture-worthy but installed and fitted three blackout roller blinds to my daughters bedroom (highly recommended if you have a young child!)

Weekend job is to fit two Ecowood venetian blinds in the bathroom and a couple of replacement blackout Velux blinds that also arrived.

Again, I couldn't recommend 247blinds.co.uk more. Got the whole lot (7 blinds) for £200 in their recent sale.
Which blackout blinds did you go for, I've got one window I'd like to put something on as it's a little too small for a curtain really

I went for the basic 'Rimini' collection. Piece of cake to fit, came with good quality plugs and screws (rare these days!) Also has a control chain clip which screws to the wall (if you want) which I'd never seen before and is great because it keeps it from being a safety risk, as well as saves you having to flap about finding the chain.

Quality of the blind is good - not the most exciting looking blind in the world but there again it wasn't meant to be as we have curtains in the room anyway so went for something discreet (Ecru). There are much nicer options but as these are basically never seen I didn't see the point in extravagance.
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