What "man jobs" have you done today?

So attic is completed....

If I have to look at insulation again any time soon I'll cry.

Ordering new dado rail and finishes from the wood merchants tomorrow.

Will probably isolate the old power shower cable and pull it back through to the garage and try and remove the trunking tomorrow..

My list for next month is as follows (apparently??)
* dado rail on stairs.
* arcatrave around the loft ladder
* install 6 new radiators as the ones we have are either too small or single panel
* measure up stairs and upstairs rooms for new carpet
* stain skirting board for living room.
* take up floor in smallest room and find out why the floor is so cold( above garage) and install insulation if needed.

Maybe I can stick a broom up my arse and sweep the floor at the same time.
Sanded and removed varnish/stain from 9 nice curved loftroom open staircase treads I'd got from a friend, then limed and waxed 7 so far to use as shelves around the house. Last 2 are dyed dark oak, then will be limed and waxed for our bedroom. Just 18 oak gallow shelf brackets to lime and wax next.
I wanted to drill a whole through the wall... Thought 'yeh when has 8" ever not been long enough"


Two days of.. garden, doing the chores and cooking as the mrs is not feeling great.

Trimmed back all the bits, weeded, cut the lawn (very high setting), cleared out the blanket weed starting to grow at the back. At the side- cut back and weeded, front - trimmed the rosemary that's going nuts.

I know it's early.. but everything is already budding...
So this weekend has been quite laid back, Saturday I isolated and pulled the old shower cable back into the garage, ripped the old trunking off the wall and polly filled the two holes. Painted and cut in the new reach able edge.

Sanded down the downstairs doors read for a coat of gloss and ripped up the skirting board ready to tackle the 1970s tiles...

My list for the weekend is:

Fitted 4 new 1600x 600 radiators and 1 new 800 x 500. Move a double rad from downstairs up stairs.
Fit new tiles in entrance.
Paint second coat on spare bedroom.

Spec up insulation of garage and get rid of all the crap I've acquired in it so far.

Any one know a cheaply insulated garage door?
Got my multi tool out with sander attachment on and attacked new summerhouse door - It's been stuck all winter even after I planed some off -

More accuracy with the sander after marking where it drags - Cut out lock plate a bit deeper and opens and shuts fine -Probably have a half inch gap round it in summer now.
Fitted skirting boards in bedroom.
First gloss coat onto skirting boards.

Fitted 3 x double electrical sockets.

Total bedroom refurb coming along. Fitting new radiator tomorrow.
Today will be garden (again), I'll scarify and rake the moss too and then cleaning the cars..

The moss killer has been doing it's work since last weekend so time to rip it out :)
Bought some Tassimo coffees,oreo taste great but fill like half a cup.. does that count?
Ill be fitting a new kitchen once my dogs trotted to doggie heaven but hopefully won't be for a while- he is knocking on 13 though - current kitchen is about 6 years old.
Well, at 10pm last night we were sat in the lounge and heard a loud thump from outside. :confused:
Go outside, shed door has blown off. :(

So in the wind, rain, cold and dark, I'm outside hammering hinges straight and re-screwing them to the door. Great....

We were planning on replacing the two crappy sheds we have with one significantly larger shed. This has just pushed it forward a bit.
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