We've been in our new build for around 10 months and this past 2 weeks we've finally decided to tackle the garden before Summer hits so we can make use of it this year.
This is the original state of the garden - patches courtesy of the dog:
Hard to make out but you may be able to see the rope we laid out for the general idea of how we want it - border all the way around, flower bed in one corner, seating area in another and extended patio. Last week we did the flower bed area:
It's been tidied up a little since then, re-aligning the logs slightly and secured them better. Opted for the logs rather than sleepers due to price and we'd be sinking the sleepers to the same height anyway. Took quite a while to dig all the turf up and sort out the soil beneath the turf - it was about an inch of turf/top soil, an inch of sand then clay.
Then yesterday I started work on the seating area and borders:
That took 20 bags of stone and I have 12 more bags standing by for the rest of the borders - may need a bit more. The edging looks ok - took a risk with some edging I found off Amazon with the view to send it back if it wasn't any good - it was £33/10m. Purchased 20m more today to finish off the rest as we're happy with how it looks. The one I was originally looking at was £36/5m.
The borders will have various plants and climbers.
We're pretty happy with how it's looking so far. I'm hoping to finish off the borders tomorrow when more edging arrives. Doubling the patio will be the next task once we've decided on new slabs and we've already got some furniture on order. We're considering ditching the turf and getting artificial grass due to the dog - we've had some really nice samples sent over. We'll paint the fences at some point also.
Also credit to our site manager for giving me a skip when I need one to get rid of garden waste - that's saving a lot of hassle in itself!