What "man jobs" have you done today?

I'm moving into my new home this weekend. Spent today putting up a wardrobe rail in one of the cupboards/wardrobes, connecting washing machine, A lot of de-constructing and constructing of furniture. Currently debating getting someone else in to lay the lawn or do it myself. The only reason I can't do it is laziness really, that and juggling lots of other stuff not leaving me much time.
lol, whenever i do anything with electrics or even turn a pc on when i've been inside it i turn it on first using a long brush handle in case i get electrocuted lol :(
Haha I like your style.

I'm not 100% confident with domestic wiring but I think it's safe enough. They work anyway so that's a start lol.

Definitely loving my multi tool now. Notching joists and chopping boards is a doddle now!.
Made a photo frame the other day. Was a "rustic" pallet wood one and I only had a circular saw and one of these to guide it to cut the mitres. Worked well enough for me, as it wasn't supposed to be perfect.

I used my cheapo wolfcraft frame clamp to hold it while the glue dried and it did the job.


Until I get a router, this is the easiest way to do the back!
So i built a gate a few months ago and it seems to be getting a bit warped and has pulled away from the support brackets at the back. The diagonal beam i actually was able to fully pull off.



Any tips on sorting this? One thought was to just drill through and put a load of bolts in and then recess the bolt in the cross beam. But i'm sure there must be better ways. What doesn't help is that the wall isn't straight which i think has caused this.
Got the floor boards up in the back bedroom and front room so I can drag through some new cables for the Kitchen and bathroom. Managed to get the network and coax and an electrical cable for the boiler pulled through. Just need a feed for an electric oven, ring main and a feed for the bathroom if I decide to have a shaver socket or something.
So i built a gate a few months ago and it seems to be getting a bit warped and has pulled away from the support brackets at the back. The diagonal beam i actually was able to fully pull off.



Any tips on sorting this? One thought was to just drill through and put a load of bolts in and then recess the bolt in the cross beam. But i'm sure there must be better ways. What doesn't help is that the wall isn't straight which i think has caused this.

were the cladding boards butted up tight or an expansion gap left?

If they were tight they have expanded and buckled
I thought i'd left a reasonable little gap but perhaps some got pushed together.

Any decent way to fix? At the moment i've just clamped them down and rammed more screws in but can't see that being a good solution!
You'll have to take it apart and give each board a couple of MM expansion unfortunately :(. I'd also take the opportunity to paint all the bare timber you couldn't while it is apart. When i built my gate I also painted the tongues and grooves so no bare timber shows when the boards shrink.
Bit of log splitting and stacking.

That load of logs I had last week came with logs that are really to big for my small burner so I have been splitting the really big ones in half - first pic shows what to me is a big log next to split ones.

Next is my new splitter - I have found if I take my time and do small bits at time it doesn't wear out my legs.

Next is it's permanent home - going to keep it there as it will be easy to take off cover and split a log if needed. -Just got to get a oil soaked rag and wrap round ram arm before lowering it to stop it rusting



I've got a whole stack of man jobs to do that I was going to take my time with, but my timeline has changed (the missus is spawning).

Jobs such as replace decking with patio, insulate internal garage, replace kitchen light with in ceiling spots, do cable runs in lounge for surround sound, send cat5 downstairs from router to office.

Since I've got X months and I don't want to be messing with this stuff after the deadline, I'm gonna get a dude. What kind of dude would be best? A builder? Contractor? I'd like the same dude to do everything if possible for continuity.

Anyone have recommendations in Manchester?
I've got a whole stack of man jobs to do that I was going to take my time with, but my timeline has changed (the missus is spawning).

Jobs such as replace decking with patio, insulate internal garage, replace kitchen light with in ceiling spots, do cable runs in lounge for surround sound, send cat5 downstairs from router to office.

Since I've got X months and I don't want to be messing with this stuff after the deadline, I'm gonna get a dude. What kind of dude would be best? A builder? Contractor? I'd like the same dude to do everything if possible for continuity.

Anyone have recommendations in Manchester?

We got our backroom/Kitchen rework done by a guy called Paul Higginson, he's based in Bolton which is about the same difference to you as it is us. He project managed everything. Not entirely sure he'd be the best for your jobs but might be worth giving him a shout.

Currently taking up the bathroom floor. Grouting has gone to pot so water was starting to get under the tiles (it's a wet room design) so floor up dry it out & retile over the weekend.
Repairing a section of 115 year old stone wall using the correct materials. (Previous owner has patched using Portland cement resulting in cracked stone).

Slow old job, but nearly done now
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