What "man jobs" have you done today?

Converted this:



Into this:


Carpet looks wonky at the bottom because the ply it's resting on is warped. It'll be replaced at some point, probably.
Would it not have been better to place the 2nd bottom shelf level with the middle bit of door frame to make access easier? :confused:

Unless, of course, you are replacing the twin doors with a new single one.
Not sure how that would make access easier, since the second shelf up is already do at a very easy height for access. I do eventually want to do make it a single door, but dropping the second from bottom shelf would decrease the vertical space available on the bottom shelf, which needs to be able to store tall stuff but not be too low to the floor.

We'll try it out for a few days and if it obviously isn't right then it's easy to move them.
Trunking. If done right, can be both effective and invisible.

As for upstairs, mine goes upstairs, into every room and even into the attic where I have converted it into a LAN room and not one bit of wire is exposed anywhere ( thats a lie but Im sticking to it )

I have simply followed lines, skirting and corners. Not gone through a single wall and its unnoticeable.

Do you have any pics of this?
Saturday dug some more holes ready for my new fence, then got roped into help mate doing some slab laying, then removing some fence which was good as I got to use a hammer to remove it :)

Tiring, and have still have 4 holes to dig today
Propped the bath up! Re sealed it and fixed the first part of the shower screen. Just got to fix the other couple of sections and my bathroom will be complete......for now!
This afternoon I did some final prep to my back garden, ready for my turf delivery tomorrow.

It's my first lawn (last 2 properties had a yard and before that was my parents, so that doesn't count) and I'm really excited. :D

I'll edit post with before and after shots. :cool:
Last night me, my dad and uncle put in the first 3 posts for the new fence, plus a load more digging, blood ache all over I do
Lawn laid and looking gooood! :)

Glorious sunshine all afternoon and lawn is receiving a good watering.

The hard part is now keeping the kids off it for a few weeks.
Manged to swap replacing three fence panels and posts with plastering three ceilings, one done today two more to do tomorrow but one needs some board replacing, removed the polystyrene tiles and some fell down absolutely sodden.

'you win some you lose some.
Fitted a light fixture to the third bedroom. It was a fiddly as hell and took me nearly an hour! That's another room that is completely finished now though.

Bit narked today though, because somebody has nicked my green (garden waste) recycling bin! You can get new ones free from the council but its well annoying! :(
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Undercoated two outside doors & frames ready to gloss tomorrow.
Replaced the kitchen light with a triple halogen light bar, then 10 minutes after fitting two bulbs failed & I have no spares.:(
Finished putting up my bath shower screen today. Needed to get a hand from my dad lifting it into place though.
Started digging a tree stump out.

Dug round to expose the roots which were then cut with the chisel end of a digging pole. When cut I left 6' of trunk to give me some leverage. I started to man handle the trunk and the tree fought back.

Black eye, 2cm lasceration under lower eye lid and grazed upper eye lid.

Lasceration is about 3mm wide but can't be glued or steristripped as its too close to the eye. Antibiotics and keep it clean.

Moral? Don't get impatient and stay safe out there kids.
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