Another busy weekend. Took delivery of the timber for my daughter's loft bed. Chamfered all edges of the uprights and machined all edges of all the slats with a 1/4 roundover. Painted one alcove and two walls of her room with the final topcoat and gave the others their first topcoat. Fitted the architrave round her door and gave it an undercoat. Painted half the skirting.
Yesterday was mostly starting constructing the bed platform. Cutting outside was delayed by rain so I only got the main frame up dry-fitted. I need to cut rebates in the side rail for a centre brace/endstop (the platform is longer than standard matress size), fit the battens to support the bedslats and then glue&screw it all together.
And then paint it.
Yesterday was mostly starting constructing the bed platform. Cutting outside was delayed by rain so I only got the main frame up dry-fitted. I need to cut rebates in the side rail for a centre brace/endstop (the platform is longer than standard matress size), fit the battens to support the bedslats and then glue&screw it all together.
And then paint it.