What "man jobs" have you done today?

AH yes - I thought I had beaten him to death years ago when a had a massive tanturm. it bent the iron bar.

See -a simple thing like replying to a forum I have hit a key with one of my fingers and I have no idea what button it was.
More stress - good job meal is only 10 min away and we have a bottle of white to deaden our minds.

PS. See I spelt bottle wrong and had to go ask wife - I think I am loosing it
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Shifted stuff around in the garage mounted the bikes on the walls and the ladder.

Shifted the power cage around. Hoovered, cleaned, threw out a bootload of crap.

I don't seem to have many before pics!

quite old pics but can't seem to find anything more recent.

Next job it to find some new flooring for the gym part of the garage at least. It's wider than it looks but also quite deep. I also want to change that window to be a door to the garden.
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Shifted stuff around in the garage mounted the bikes on the walls and the ladder.

Shifted the power cage around. Hoovered, cleaned, threw out a bootload of ****.

I don't seem to have many before pics!

quite old pics but can't seem to find anything more recent.

Next job it to find some new flooring for the gym part of the garage at least. It's wider than it looks but also quite deep. I also want to change that window to be a door to the garden.

You have a VERY small car?
Cleaned the patio and filled the gaps with polymeric sand, then cut the grass..



I'm really struggling with my hands. Carpel is becoming pretty severe and keeping me up at night. My right ring finger just doesn't work in the morning which is pretty funny but also pretty nuts. That meant rather than cracking on, I just painted around the sockets so I could "second fix" them and a major tidy up job. First time in a week I've not been sitting in a pile of dust :D

I am also talking to you through the medium of CAT6 as I have wired in all of my RJs. I have also ran an aerial to this particular one so I can avoid any heart attacks when my wife suggests the TV goes on this wall.


Ironically the roughness there is above the socket and no where near my chase - so I take no responsibility :D
Unfortunately it is what it is. They can steroid you for temporary relief, or you need an Op. Given I've done 70ft of fencing + this major (amongst many others) I need to rest up for a few weeks and see if they get better on their own first. Sucks tho!
I find if I use tools (particularly multi tools/anything vibrating a lot) I tend to get pain in my hands but clears up after a few days. They call it white finger in the construction industry
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As said above if you haven't been yet get yourself down to the Doc. There is nothing worse - I had it for years and Doc kept saying I had FWT - went back one day and Doc was on Holiday and a young Doc was taking his place - He needed a massive pay rise as he got me in to see a specialist in no time and before long got both hands done -It was like being reborn.
I even struggled to ride my bike - had to keep getting up to 80 let go of throttle and shake my hand till I was back down to 40.
It was hell -
Had both hands done -right by youth in training and left by specialist - woke up and my left hand was hell on earth - never had pain like it -needless to say I had to go back and have it done again.



PS - FWT was fair wear and tear -Complete total idiot that doc. - and I think they do key hole surgery now.
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