What "man jobs" have you done today?

A few random bits and pieces this weekend

- washed the cars
- quick and nasty spray job to touch up kerb mark on one of wife's wheels
- Changed the battery in my door bell
- soldered a new battery into one of car keys
- checked oil on both cars, topped up screen wash and made up some more to use
- changed a battery in step sons watch

and might put up some hooks in my son's room this afternoon :)
Not sure if I have mentioned how much I hate and love old houses, but today I would have given my right arm for plasterboard walls, with the only saving grace, being 10inch skirting that can really hide a fused spur.

Job today was to move a 48inch monitor to sit central to a new desk, move the Lack floating shelf to suit and run a fused spur which will serve all. Running off of the socket that was going to feed the fused spur I was met with issues on the socket itself and problems with a lath & plaster wall, so this became a Wago + blank plate fix.

Used the new drill in anger and got dirty ;) and ended up missing the Beef rib roast dinner :(

Bosch lay off the larger bruv

Weetabix wall


Temp socket thrown in


To do: Cable tidy around the desk. Fill + sand off. Find the 2 black screws for the Lack shelf :D.
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