You may want to re-strengthen the joists unless you've connected them to the wall itself. At least a couple of cross members.
Garage golf sim before and after!
What's a rough ball park figure for the golf sim cost. So for the sim equipment and the screen?
Washed then painted the windows and the bathroom ceiling first coat. Tomorrow will be a second coat and do walls of the bathroom.So I think we've settled on the colour of cornflour white (ie a white with hint of blue) for the stairs and landing after applying a set of colour tests. I did manage to re-teak the late father-in-law's bench and almost complete the pond filter motor ready for fit. Also cleaned the bedroom bay window.
It means I now have my work cut out starting Monday:
* paint the bay window in the bedroom
* sugar soap, repaint (same colours) of the bathroom
Yeah, you could at the minimum do it with a blunt knife.Need to change a door threshold bar for a new one to receive the newly laid LVT flooring. Is it possible to retuck the carpet under the threshold without one of those carpet fitting tools?
Some productive weekends I see.
I fixed our shower which involved 90% of the time complaining about how whoever installed it, installed it in the way they did. I find most of my jobs work out like that tbh. Nobody seems to do anything properly in all the houses I ever lived in.
I feel your pain. The thermostatic cartridge of our shower broke recently. I only found out because my wife called saying she couldn't turn the shower off. In their great wisdom, the developer didn't put in isolation valves, so the only way to stop it going was to turn the water off to the whole house.
Eventually, I managed to fix the cartridge enough that I could turn the shower off and turn the water off until I got hold of a new cartridge.
So, I feel your pain.
Same around here. I always be sure to fit one for the next person... As lets be honest it's unlikely to be me that gets to use them!In my house I've replaced the downstairs toilet tap, bathroom tap, en-suite tap, kitchen tap. Guess how many had isolation valves on them? Yep.
At least I have a stop **** I can use right? Right!? Yeah that weeps even when turned off.
I feel your pain. The thermostatic cartridge of our shower broke recently. I only found out because my wife called saying she couldn't turn the shower off. In their great wisdom, the developer didn't put in isolation valves, so the only way to stop it going was to turn the water off to the whole house.
Eventually, I managed to fix the cartridge enough that I could turn the shower off and turn the water off until I got hold of a new cartridge.
So, I feel your pain.
Well today I did two coats of paint in the bathroom, then removed mounted stuff and sugar soaped the engire stretch upstairs, stairwell and front hall.
I know we steamed a lot of the place when we moved in (rank with little fingerprints and cooking grease) but this was one stretch that had some out of reach. Rank. Anyways it’s done now so tomorrow is claulking corners, smoothing, applying base coats and painting the ceiling.
I'm about to start this. Are you following any particular guides?Haven't started it but bought CLS, gonna a stupidly start doing a built-in wardrobe project.
Not really just watched a chap on YouTube make it look relatively straightforward so gonna give it a go.I'm about to start this. Are you following any particular guides?