What PC games are you playing?

AC:Brotherhood just became the next in a handful from my Steam Library to be dropped and uninstalled due to being just too bloated.

It seems to me that Ubi literally copy and pasted the formula for AC2, and instead of embellishing the Storyline from the main Campaign, just added as much additional meaningless waste of time chores as possible, instead of staying focused on the point of the series to date.

Given knowledge of at least 3 more entries in the series (including AC4), it is time to step back, say "no thanks", and make better use of my gaming time.

AC2 is the best in the series IMO so Brotherhood was always going to be a step down, also bear in mind Brotherhood/Revelations were supposed to be kinda spinoffs from AC2 (hence not labelled AC3/AC4) so it is understandable that they are similar.

One area Brotherhood did improve on IMO was the lairs, in AC2 they are quite unforgiving i.e. basically long platforming sections where if you make a mistake you often had to redo a fair amount. Whereas Brotherhood mixes it up more with chases, platforming etc.

As for whether you should ditch the series personally if you can't hack AC:B then I would, as it is probably the 2nd or 3rd best in the series of 5 released so far.
Playing through Empire:Total War.

The hope is that this time sink will tide me over until Rome 2's release.

With DarthMod, I hope. ;)

Currently playing Papers, Please. It's a very peculiar game. Stamping passports shouldn't be so compelling, and yet I've been hooked for the past couple of days. It certainly throws some interesting dilemmas at you.
Finished Tomb Raider the other night and enjoyed it more than I expected. AMD sent through the code for Crysis 3 the next morning so that is keeping me occupied. I do seem to have developed a habit of playing games where I go stealthy with bows a lot recently :).

Still waiting for Bioshock: Infinite code to arrive but I pre-ordered The Bureau on Steam so I have Spec Ops: The Line to add to my list of unplayed games.
Due to GTA5 coming out on pc, I am giving 4 a go for the first time. God, can't believe I have been missing out on so much fun! Just watched Ricky Gervais doing a stand up routine, priceless.
Also found out how to get your cursor to move around quicker without a dpi increase. Spray furniture polish on your mouse mat. I can't hit anything now!
Dito - spending endless hours on it, That much so i've not installed the detailed graphics pack yet...

Due to GTA5 coming out on pc, I am giving 4 a go for the first time. God, can't believe I have been missing out on so much fun! Just watched Ricky Gervais doing a stand up routine, priceless.
Also found out how to get your cursor to move around quicker without a dpi increase. Spray furniture polish on your mouse mat. I can't hit anything now!
Currently playing:

Project: Cars - Racing
Tribes - FPS
GTA IV - Some single player mudering!!

I did pick up Deux Ex: Human Revolution and Tomb Raider during the summer sale so i've got those waiting, i couldn't pass up £7 for Tomb Raider...
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Finished Bioshock Infinte, will now move on to Tomb raider.

Done the exact same as above, I'm well into TR though, had a bit on last week and this is probably the only reason I havn't finished it and moved onto the next game
Just finally started on Anno 2070 having got it in a steam sale.

OH MY WORD what a good game - feels absolutely blissful to play. For some reason it completely hammers the fan on my HD7950, but otherwise I love it.
AC2 is the best in the series IMO so Brotherhood was always going to be a step down, also bear in mind Brotherhood/Revelations were supposed to be kinda spinoffs from AC2 (hence not labelled AC3/AC4) so it is understandable that they are similar.

One area Brotherhood did improve on IMO was the lairs, in AC2 they are quite unforgiving i.e. basically long platforming sections where if you make a mistake you often had to redo a fair amount. Whereas Brotherhood mixes it up more with chases, platforming etc.

As for whether you should ditch the series personally if you can't hack AC:B then I would, as it is probably the 2nd or 3rd best in the series of 5 released so far.

Thanks. That's what I thought. It's not that it is a particularly "bad" game, but they have compromised on focus by spreading the gameplay so thin. It feels a little too formulaic for my tastes and I know that AC:Revelations and AC3 did not improve in these regards (i.e. bloat). AC4 looks like another template, just a new setting. Personally for me, I don't think I want to play this kind of game for now.

By contrast, I booted up Arkham City for the first time, and having a much better time there so far.
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Race 07, since the computer is working at the moment :p

Some good racing to be had on it still :)

- I find myself torn between the E30 M3, 2002, CSL and M3. All so easy to set up for each circuit.
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