What PC games are you playing?

Installed Brutal Doom after seeing YT videos. Shame I get bored though and just IDDQD, spawn a load of Mastermind's and Cyberdemon and watch them brawl. :p
XCOM: UFO Defence

Wanted to see if it was as good as I remembered it growing up. Once I got over the initial shock of the crap gfx the gameplay won me over again. Great game.

PES 2014

Game was unfinished on release. (although not as unfinished as Rome Total War 2)

It's fun to play but has loads of annoying stuff as it hasn't been balanced or tested enough. I'm still playing it though, so can't be that bad I guess.

Planetside 2

I'm in an outfit for this game. I love the scale of it.

Whereas BF regressed, toning down the scale and complexity of the game, Planetside 2 took up the slack and increased the scale of modern FPS's and it's all the better for it.

No real metagame to speak of but the general play is really good and it's a lot of fun going round in 48 man platoon's trying to get one over rival outfits.
still playing....

Skyrim (8/10)
Elemental Fallen Enchantress (10/10)
Chivalry (8/10)

and a little

Uplink (9/10)
Broken Sword Directors cut (8/10)
Aliens Colonial Marines. (7/10)
Mafia 2:
Very impressed with this game the city is stunning, the driving feels good and the cut scenes are well made.

LA. Noire:
Just started this game, seems slow to getting going or maybe thats the nature of this type of game.

Borderlands 2:
Enjoyable so far only level 15.
Playing Forced with a friend! They're having a pre-release Tournament and a few of us got free game keys to take part.

Think Diablo, except you're all gladiators fighting through enemies, and puzzles at the same time.

Fantastic game, and available for only €10.99 at the moment on steam.
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