What PC games are you playing?

Clocked up an insane 91 hours on Borderlands, by far the best money ive spent on a game.
Also playing The Witcher (again)
Deus Ex HR (Plodding through)
Just got to downloading my free Dirt 3.
Mastered the Shogun 2 demo.

Minecraft, all I can run on this laptop.

Minecraft is a power hungry game, you sure you cant run anything else?
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Was quite happy plodding my way through Batman:AA until it broke :(

Playing 5 mins here and there on everything now. Can't settle on something :/
At the min im playing F12011, Rage, darkstar one and command and conquer 3. Im also just about done with mafia 2. But ive still got loads installed that ive not finished such as AvP, Bioshock 2,
Ive found myself wantint to play through The fear games to. I own them all including addons apart from the 3rd which i'll pick up cheap at somepoint.

and waiting for BF3
Minecraft, WOW, and a bit of Dead Island.

Dead Island has suprised me i expected it to me much shorter, altho im making sure to do every side quest. Atm im on chapter 7 or 8 i think and about level 24. Hoping theres lots more to come.
Just Cause 2 :D Great game with great graphics


I've added the Black market mod which makes everything available to buy plus a trainer to give me endless money so I can buy & mod any gun or vehicle. best is AH-33 Topachula: Heavy military chopper, with mounted guns and rockets,

Lay triggered explosive under every house & power pylon in a village, keep buying more till you covered everything then get in a good position & press the detonator :p
Lost and the damned Never played it before but the steam offer got me and I love it its like Sons of Anarchy the game lol. Just got Deus Ex as well not played it yet though and Battlefield tommorrow along with Arkham City to many games good job im not at work for a few weeks lol.
Distant Worlds - Return of the Shakturi - massive game with depth to match, up to 50,000 planets, alive 4X universe, one of the best I've played if a little 'old fashioned' to look at.

Dungeon Defenders - great online co-op fun, quick levelling, upgrade items and towers not just character traits.

Both completely different, both indie developers, both come recommended.
Currently only on CS:S at the moment, with a little Minecraft here and there. I'm waiting 'til I set up my new uni rig before playing anything too involving.
Duke Nukem Forever managed to complete it, I thought it was good game not sure why it go so many awful reviews.

Still playing Red Orchestra 2 and Left 4 dead 2
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