What PC games are you playing?

Am playing the free AC2 that came with the MSI Twin card. On a brand new rig.
Took me ages to figure out the 'bing' noise I kept hearing wasen't a game perk but Windows mail..!:o
Fallout NV Dead Money DLC
Monday Night Combat

Just reinstalled W@W for some online bayonet+trenchgun lolz too.
Assassin's Creed (Never finished it, so I'm going back to give it another go)
Batman: Arkham Aslyum (See above :p )
Fallout: New Vegas (but not much as it's starting to get a bit dull).
Test Drive Unlimited 2 (getting annoyed at server problems and general gameplay issues)
Like a lot of other people, going through my Steam Christmas sales list.

Just finished Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - really fun game I thought, though you really need a gamepad for it.

Next up is The Ball - couple levels in and it's not too bad, nothing amazing so far.

I've also got back into WoW, just a couple hours when I want to zone out and level a character, there's no way I'm getting back into raiding thankfully.
Currently Mount & Blade Warband, with some X3 Terran Conflict thrown in every now and then.

Can't believe how addictive Warband can be.
I've just installed a bunch onto my new rig, march is hardcore gaming time :)

Replaying DA:O before DA2 comes out, doing all the DLC as well.
Napoleon Total War - Bought it but never played passed the first campaign, better finish it before Shogun 2 comes out!

Starcraft 2 and BFBC2 for MP action

I've got Deadspace 2 and DoW2 Retribution arriving soon.
Completed the Bulletstorm SP campaign this weekend ( about 7 hours in one sitting) going to go through it again, MP side of it is alright.

Finally started working through Chaos Rising before Retribution lands on Friday.

Magicka multiplayer.

Other than that a bit of SC2 and DCUO
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I've just finished Dragon Age, all the DLC and the expansion. I'm currently playing through some Neverwinter Nights 2 co-op, but having trouble with it being such a buggy mess - even years later.

I'm hoping to get started on finishing Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising, as I've got DoW: Retribution coming on pre-order in a few days, and then Dragon Age 2 not long after that.

Between all the adventuring, I'm enjoying DCS: A-10 Warthog.
mostly mount & blade: warband (with the Napoleonic Mount & Musket mod)

graphics aren't very good but the combat system is great, there's epic clan based line battles on sundays and mondays that have 250 players in them. makes you feel really insignificant.
BFBC2, CS:S, Men of War Assault Squad, Minecraft

BFBC2 when I just want to beat some poor noobs
CS:S for the clan matches
Men of War: AS for the epic Co-op battles.
Minecraft for the addict inside of me. (See above :D)
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