What PC games are you playing?

Nothing I haven't really played any decent pc games in a while I just get bored with them, I want something simple and care free that I don't have to think about whilst I'm playing. I suppose I'm just waiting for diablo 3 :(
I did every side mission in my last playthrough. they really are brilliant, probably the highlight imo

I think I got too caught up in the urgency of the main plot, I'm planning on doing them in ME2 though. One thing I miss from the first game is the rpg levelling up, the version in 2 is so paired back it seems a bit pointless.
Been trying to complete a few games I been playing for a while
Medal Of Honor
bulletstorm :)

And now i'm playing
Dawn Of War : Dark Crusade and i'm enjoying it a lot atm :)
I think I got too caught up in the urgency of the main plot, I'm planning on doing them in ME2 though. One thing I miss from the first game is the rpg levelling up, the version in 2 is so paired back it seems a bit pointless.

In 2, you won't have exploring in the mako though. I really enjoyed doing all of the missions in the mako where you have to explore. I really wish they would work on some kind of expansion in ME3 which adds some vehicle sections. THey could make about 10-15 planets with places to explore, doesn't have to be anything major, but it would improve the game greatly.

In my ME2 game(started last night) i am going to do absolutely everything as well. The side missions are still good, and are a little more story driven, but lack the exploration unfortunately

(the benefits of being bed-ridden for the next 2 weeks;))
Just recently started playing BF3! These type of games are not normally my cup of tea, allthough im actually getting into it. Usually just stick to Sim racing.
I'm in the same situation that a few of you guys are in, burnt out. I don't know why but I have hardly any motivation to play PC games even though I am off college with around 12 hours free time per day.

M&B Warband is still quite fun, but the repetitiveness is really getting to me at the moment as well as the large amounts of time needed to be invested into the game doing mundane tasks just to reach the end game content.

I was thinking of starting a little youtube series of me playing through the stockpile of games in my steam library, some of which I have not even downloaded, never mind played. I really should learn to control my impulse purchasing behaviour. Would anybody be interested in this? Should give me motivation to make use of my library and not throw the money down the drain.

I was thinking of starting a little youtube series of me playing through the stockpile of games in my steam library, some of which I have not even downloaded, never mind played. I really should learn to control my impulse purchasing behaviour. Would anybody be interested in this? Should give me motivation to make use of my library and not throw the money down the drain.

Interested :)
Started the BC2 campaign as I never played it before (don't worry, playing the online as well :p)

Also continuing with Mafia2 playthrough as well though thats taken a bit of a break at the moment.

Going to try give CSS a bit of a rest and enjoy all these other games now. Always seemed to just put CSS on and there goes my night and I really want to branch out now and give that a break.

Once have completed these I think I will get stuck into Skyrim and also complete Metro2033 and THEN complete the HL2 series as never did before :(
I'm playing Skyrim with some good mods and it's fun. I also started playing Tribes:Ascend over the weekend and that is a lot of fun, worth checking out if you're bored of the typical shooters.
I'm still playing Dungeon Defenders... about 500 plus hours on it... cracking little game

Also playing L4D2, LA Noire, and ME3 :)

God, Saint's Row 3 is awful!

Very boring, every mission is the same, drive somewhere, hundreds of enemies appear, shoot them all.

You're not playing it correctly!

Get the penetrator :p

As for me, been playing a fair bit of Blur, after picking it up on steam for 3.75, not a bad game for the money, if anyone wants to play some time, (SeraphX) ingame name

and a tiny bit of TF2, trying to get used to my new Kone V2, i'm still pretty **** at the accuracy bit lmao
I am playing:
BF3 - 80 hours so far. I like how easy it is to pick up and have a quick bash then put it down for a few weeks :).
Skyrim - 30 mins in so far. It feels just like Oblivion - I can't wait to get into it.
Command & Conquer the first decade - Epic in every single way. I really love C&C 1 and RA1. I sometimes dabble with RA2 as well :). I have been playing this game on and off for 6 years!

Recently played amd completed:
Mass Effect 2 - Did a fair few side quests. I paid £10 for it a year ago but was playing ME1 at the time. Good game. Took me 30 hours to finish.
Portal 2 - Short but sweet. Was good but didn't have the wow factor that Portal 1 gave me
Assassin's Creed Revelations - Good but like Tomb Raider on the PS1, each game adds something new, but not much. By the time I played this game the series felt dry.
Saints Row 3 - Not great to be honest. It was too over the top and silly.
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Just played through the DLC part of Dungeon Siege 3, I think I probably should have waited a bit: I jumped straight in as soon as I got to the Grand Chapterhouse and while the whole DLC part was epic, it was ******* hard as nails!

I really like this game now but I don't fancy trying it on Hardcore mode. Xbox360 pad is a must! :eek:

Anyone who hasn't played DS3 and likes Action RPGs definitely should give it a go - I'm shocked that it passed me by beforehand! :D

Skyrim - 30 mins in so far. It feels just like Oblivion - I can't wait to get into it.

I personally think it feels different to oblivion, and was grateful it didn't start in a ***** dungeon! :D
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