What PC games are you playing?

Lords of the Fallen 2023, I was hoping it would fill my Souls-like desire until Elden Ring DLC but... it doesn't. Glad I'm only playing it on a friends account because I'd feel ripped off paying £40-50 for this. I think I preferred the 2014 version
One of the games of the year for me. It took a little while until everything started to flow but loved it. Twice ;)
Been mainly spending PC time split between Cities Skylines 2 and Football Manager 2024 but the CS2 fun is dimming, time to wait for new updates I think.
Looking forward to the new Warzone map this week although I played some Battlefield V online for the first time in 18 months over the weekend and I can't believe how much fun that was!
King Arthur: Knight's Tale - A tactical turned-based RPG. Really enjoying it so far.
Yeah I'm actually doing a replay of this at the moment now that the 2.0 patch and the roman legion content has dropped. Underrated game imo. Should tide me over until Warhammer Rogue Trader releases for some more excellent co-op RPG fun
Managed to make it through the collector ship mission in ME2. Finally have my full vanguard build, insanity is now not so insane and the second half of the game is going to be a breeze.

Bring on ME3!
Stuck on god of war....I need fire arrows but don't seem to have them? Where dop you get them from? Using keyboard and mouse.
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Yeah I'm actually doing a replay of this at the moment now that the 2.0 patch and the roman legion content has dropped. Underrated game imo. Should tide me over until Warhammer Rogue Trader releases for some more excellent co-op RPG fun
You should check out war tales as well if you haven't already played it. Another solid tactical RPG.
Just finished Sekiro, can't believe I waited so long to try it! The combat is just 2nd to none, difficult and intense - but fair. This is my 2nd Fromsoft game and I want to go through all of them now :)
Starfeild, the first single player game i have played properly since fallout 4, never thought i would enjoy sp games again, i mainly play warzone with friends as more of a social drinking thing these days
Finally got round to buying and playing Thronebreaker: Witcher Tales. It feels weird going back to playing Gwent again after all these years.
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Tried a few games big and small last night.

Ended up playing this for a few hours.

Pretty "brutal" but top fun

Mix of games at the moment some old some new.

Cold waters
songs of syx
Call to arms gates of hell
Il2 1946
Silent hunter 3
Distant worlds 2
X4 foundations
Open ttd
Finally vampire survivors which has got me hooked.
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