What PC games are you playing?

After finishing Hitman Absolution the other night after leaving it at around 70% for months, I am now determined to finish Alan Wake...which has been left even longer!

After that, I might consider finally finishing Alpha Protocol
Getting back into it after almost a year. On second play through. Playing much more sneak/thief/merchant orientated.



I am in a similar position, although not starting again - still loads of DLC and quests to experience!
This also.

Third time so far I've got into Skyrim since release - 308 hours total so far... damn, that's good value for money.

To put it into persective....

Company of Heroes:
1,113.7 hrs on record (used to play semi competitivly so...)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
308.1 hrs on record

Empire: Total War
221.1 hrs on record

Total War: SHOGUN 2
210.2 hrs on record

Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword
122.5 hrs on record

X3: Terran Conflict
111.6 hrs on record

Napoleon: Total War
60.1 hrs on record
I bought Max Payne 3 cheap, it's a bit of a linear blast-fest like the predecessors but I quite like it for a quick flit.
Just started Game of Thrones. It isn't bad actually. The combat is not the best, but I am getting used to it, and it doesn't look great, but it is keeping me interested.

FOV is getting to me a bit though.
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