didn't realise it had a sort of sequel on Console, set it the same universe at least! Vigilante 8 or something like that
Ps4 version
I said moonstone in an earlier post and I stick firmly to it. Some one tried to remake it from my research but gave up unfortunatelyMoonstone (amiga), chaos (spectrum)
I’d love to see the baldurs gate games and ice wind dale games remade in the creation engine
For me, we need a proper Syndicate/Syndicate Wars follow up.
Satellite reign didn't do it for you? The original Devs of syndicate rebootLoved Syndicate/Wars. Top games and wholly desrving of a reboot!
Satellite reign didn't do it for you? The original Devs of syndicate reboot
Satellite reign didn't do it for you? The original Devs of syndicate reboot
Loved both of those, far far far ahead of their times
I'd love to see a remake of Midwinter, or its sequel