What retro things have you done today?

Using 1ghz ahtlon and TNT2 Ultra

timedemo 1

map demo1.dm2

640x480 109.9
800x600 100.6
1024x768 72.3
1280x960 47.0
Using 1ghz ahtlon and TNT2 Ultra

timedemo 1

map demo1.dm2

640x480 109.9
800x600 100.6
1024x768 72.3
1280x960 47.0
I think it's drivers causing it. I'm going to try a good driver clean and a fresh install of some older drivers!

Finally got the Dual Xeon board to POST now I've received some more RAM. It doesn't however like the dual-core "Tulsa" Xeon. So It's two HyperThreading 3.4GHz CPUs for me.
When I was trying to make a machine to properly use instead of tinker with I remember the drivers being an absolute arse ache to get just right. If you fixed 1 game you broke another. But that was with an m64 iirc.

Thats a shame it wont take those CPUs. I take it you have trawled for custom bios etc? Or is it a physical limitation of some sort.

Still 2cores and 4 threads sounds like a GTA5 attempt is a go :P
When I was trying to make a machine to properly use instead of tinker with I remember the drivers being an absolute arse ache to get just right. If you fixed 1 game you broke another. But that was with an m64 iirc.

Thats a shame it wont take those CPUs. I take it you have trawled for custom bios etc? Or is it a physical limitation of some sort.

Still 2cores and 4 threads sounds like a GTA5 attempt is a go :p

I think it might be a physical limitation. The board powers off almost immediately with the dual-core fitted. With other CPUs I have here that aren't on the support list, the board whines about not having the right microcode in the BIOS but will happily POST anyway.

GTA5 is still definitely a go. I managed to run it on the Athlon 64 6000+ Shuttle with a GeForce 9800GT! (I had the game at 800x600, with texture scaling at 1/2!)
GTA 5 runs just fine on my 2c 4t 3.2Ghz i3 which is basically the same CPU right?!

ATi 4890 number 1 arrived today. Sold as working "in good condition".
Arrived in a box that was both taped and stapled and opened kind of like an briefcase or file system. Cut the tape and the cardboard with my stanley knife, opened it up, shredded my hands on the staples that stuck out inside where they hadn't quite reached the other side of the box to grip onto. The card was wrapped a couple of times in bubble wrap only. Then I see the card arrived like this:


I've put one screw / stand off thing in one of the DVI ports but noticed the other DVI port seems to have the screws cut off half way down. I'm going to see if it posts before opening it up

And of course its filthy



The photos on ebay "don't hide" (I wont go as far as say "show") that the bracket is flapping about and the stand offs are a bit busted so it's my own dumb fault really!
I think it might be a physical limitation. The board powers off almost immediately with the dual-core fitted. With other CPUs I have here that aren't on the support list, the board whines about not having the right microcode in the BIOS but will happily POST anyway.

Did you try them in your original board (the one with the 4x/8x slot)?
GTA 1 turned up :D

First thing to do is something that I wondered about for a long time in my younger days.

"what is this 3dfx mode?"

So crisp and so smooth! (compared to software)
My Asus P3B-F arrived today. Time to rebuild the Slot-1 machine with a motherboard that can do 133fsb with 33MHz PCI bus speeds!

Hopefully I can get this Tualeron to clock it's knackers off!
Here's the Asus P3B-F that arrived late yesterday. Looks nice enough and offers a good array of FSB/PCI options (far more than my Abit board does). I'm not enamored with the fact that I'm dropping Abit's legendary "CPU Soft menu" in the BIOS for dip switches (this really is the time where boards were making that crossover to jumperless config), but if it works then happy days. Hopefully get it swapped in today.



Couldn't resist - bought my first retro parts - hopefully a bargain @ £10.57

Slot 1 Motherboard (looks like a QDI Legend-V 440LX)
Pentium II (possibly a Klamath 300)
S3 Virge DX video card
Soundblaster AWE64 (CT4520?)
Serial/Parallel Card
Here's the Asus P3B-F that arrived late yesterday.

What kind of bracket does it come with? SECC or SECC2?

Couldn't resist - bought my first retro parts - hopefully a bargain @ £10.57

Slot 1 Motherboard (looks like a QDI Legend-V 440LX)
Pentium II (possibly a Klamath 300)
S3 Virge DX video card
Soundblaster AWE64 (CT4520?)
Serial/Parallel Card

That's a great buy for £10.57! I'd track down a basic PIII and some kind of TNT2 or MX card to speed it up a bit on the cheap.

*sigh... digs out his slot 1 board again*
That's a great buy for £10.57! I'd track down a basic PIII and some kind of TNT2 or MX card to speed it up a bit on the cheap.

Fairly sure it only supports a 66mhz fsb, so Pentium IIIs will be out of the question. I'm fairly sure I've got a Socket 370 celeron kicking around somewhere though, so might be worth a go via a Slocket.

Will wait and confirm what it all actually is when it arrives, as the pictures were fairly poor.
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