The Amiga 1200, after its recap was tinkered with. I found good use of the PCMCIA to CF card reader to transfer things across from my PC (USB to CF adapater).
I was porting more games and Demos over to the internal CF card / hard drive. It's now packed away for next time.
The disaster of this was the Philips CRT Amiga monitor stopped working. Does anyone know about repairing it? It's making a whining noise. I think the PSU has gone.
My 'original' retro PC is back out on display. This is a 1 Ghz celeron machine with 128 MB RAM and an S3 PCI VGA card. This became 'retro' by accident. When I started to get into the scene, it was an old PC I set up for my brother to use.
I remember we stored it in a cupboard somewhere. When I stumbled on PhilsComputingLabs, it had ISA slots, so jackpot. I installed a ISA soundcard and PCI network card for WFW311.
Being 1Ghz, it runs all DOS things flat out.
Last time it was out, I installed an AWE 32 Value card in it.
The network wasn't working, but after finding drivers for the 'E1' revision of the PCI DLink Network card, we're back online.
And the Overclockers site doesn't work. HTTPS wasn't supported back then.
My Siemens Pocket Reader is on display for good measure too.
The IBM CRT monitor is buckling the desk.