Whilst I'm happy for AM2 and similar age stuff to be discussed, we can't have really have auction links to "newer" hardware - there needs to be a reasonable divide to ensure we don't infringe on the competitor rules set out by the shop.
Performance is pretty similar (usually the V3 edges out ahead), though image quality and compatibility is slightly better with the Voodoo3. Voodoo I (not a typo, I not II) is actually better for DOS-based Glide games, so that's probably a better fit for the S7 machine anyway. Going V2 SLI means that your AGP slot is free for something that's not only your 2D card, but also a good D3D/OGL card (Voodoo II would need a miniGL wrapper for pure OGL, and they tend to suck a bit), again potentially a Geforce 256 SDR/DDR. Personally I find that the Voodoo 3 3000 is a good match for the K6-III, saves the faffing with MiniGL wrappers, has good image quality (compared with both the Voodoo II and the Geforce/Geforce2), and immense compatibility with everything (software and hardware).
Yes, yes it is a 3000.Might try the 3000 then
Is it just me or is this a 3000 not a Banshee?
Yes, yes it is a 3000.
It was a known mod for overclocking, see this wayback archived copy of this Xbitlabs article http://web.archive.org/web/20021212234111/http://www.xbitlabs.com:80/video/kyro2-2/@paradigm Nice job! Is the voltage mod a known method for overclocking or some other reason? (Can't imagine everyone with a Kyro had your non-boot issue!)
Might try the 3000 then
Is it just me or is this a 3000 not a Banshee?
I wonder what appetite exists for an old school review site revisiting hardware and pushing reviews like hexus / anandtech / tomshardware etc etc used to?
@paradigm That's quite an extensive set of tests you've done there, didn't expect that! So looking at the Kyro scores, it's somewhere between the GF2MX and Ti for the most part. It does quite well in Q3 by the looks of it. Given the limited horsepower the card has it's quite impressive in how it fares IMO.
Interesting that the Radeon 9800XXL can do 287FPS in Q3 at 1280x1024, yet only 246FPS in Q2 at the same resolution! Guess that's indicative of ATI's OpenGL support at the time though.
I think that’s an ace idea, a revisit of reviewing older hardware just because the author WANTS to rather than because it’s the latest and greatest gifted to you by the supplier! It would also (mostly) remove bias due to the lack of monetary transaction involved!
I’d definitely be up for providing content. I’m far more at home with providing written content, video costs too much to produce properly, and I’m not great in front of the camera!