What retro things have you done today?

Love Matrox cards for some reason, never seen that one before.
Neither had I. I was aware of the Parhelia, but had no idea until I grabbed this dual-cpu board that PCI-X GPUs even existed, let alone that the Parhelia was one of them!

Did you know there is also a PCIe Parhelia! Yeah a 2003 GPU on PCIe!

There are so many obscure video cards that I'd love to find. Like for example the E&S simFUSION, which was 4 Radeon 9700s on one card! https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/e-s-simfusion-6000q.b1094, https://vccollection.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/simfusion_6500q-perspective.jpg

Yeah, AGP AND PCI, what a card!
Thought I’d add the Parhelia to the benchmarks I had run (as the card will run in a standard PCI slot in the Shuttle just fine, if sacrificing some throughput). Quake III Arena looked promising, slightly above the Kyro II, but below the Geforce 2 Ti at 1280x1024x32, however the card must be bandwidth starved as reducing the resolution only gives a minor FPS bump, and reducing from 32-bit to 16-bit colour gives next to no difference at all!

Quake II though... well that just runs like crud. The explosions and particles are all HUGE, like massive 1-inch circles where on other cards they’re a few pixels wide at most. This makes the card crawl during explosions or fire, you can see it running quickly in between explosions! No idea what that is all about, the drivers must be doing something odd!

Just running a 3DMark2001SE benchmark now and we’ll see if that works properly!

Edit: 3DMark was competitive, scores higher than the Geforce 2 Ti in almost every test (and higher overall due to being able to run “Nature”).

Unreal Tournament was similar to Quake 2, massively underwhelming performance compared to Quake 3 and 3DMark, struggling to make 30fps at 1280x1024 and 60fps at 640x480.
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Was the Parhelia the one that was meant to 'change everything' in the gpu world or am I mistaking it for something else? I remember that about one non-ATI/Nvidia card and it ended up being a bit rubbish.
Was the Parhelia the one that was meant to 'change everything' in the gpu world or am I mistaking it for something else? I remember that about one non-ATI/Nvidia card and it ended up being a bit rubbish.
The “one” that was meant to change “everything” back in the day was the bitboys card. Ended up with feature creep, pushed back and back, and eventually was declared vapourware.

Or there was the 3DFX Daytona and Rampage. The Rampage would have been the first 3DFX/Glide GPU with Hardware T&L, was supposed to go up against the GF3 Ti500 and/or GF4 depending on configuration.

Or perhaps you are thinking of the Kyro/Kyro II with its wildly different Tile Based Rendering, effectively allowing the “actual” fill rate to actually be higher than the “theoretical” fill rate by only rendering visible textures/faces. This was deemed necessary at the time (by PowerVR) as GPU power was outstripping memory throughput and was predicted to get worse with nothing new on the horizon in terms of memory technology. The TBR method allowed for more rendering to be done with less memory bandwidth. Of course memory technology did finally catch up and allow GPUs to get far closer to their theoretical fill rates than DDR did at the time. That said TBR would still be beneficial today, and had the Kyro had a hardware T&L renderer, it would likely have been far more competitive than it was (which was still great for the card’s power). The kyro 4800SE was meant to be that card I believe.

I can’t think of any other supposed “game changer” GPUs from 2000-2003. The Parhelia was meant to be a game changer, but only for Matrox themselves by bringing them back into contention with ATi/nVidia.
So after a failed V3 purchase i decided to go down the TNT2 Pro route and SLI 12mb voodoo 2s, works for me as i have fond memories of the TNT2.

Got an Asus V3800/32M on route, which may actually turn out to be an Ultra, but will see.

On the lookout for a voodoo 1 for the S7 machine now.
I know it was "your" S3 Virge/DX that is currently in the S7 machine, but I'd be tempted to ditch it and the V1 idea for a Voodoo Rush or Banshee.

Yea, that is an idea i have been thinking about, my only hesitation is the S3 is immensely compatible for DOS gaming.
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In run a combo of a Riva128 and a Righteous 3D in my S7 machine. I find that's a good pairing and the Riva has really good DOS compatibility
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Just testing the A7v seems DOA to me, single short beep, then turns off.

-Fan plugged into the cpu header,
-Set to either jumper free or jumpers correctly, still nothing,
-Two sticks of different ram, nothing.
-Pci video card, nothing.
-No video card, same single beep.

Only time it beeps differently is when i take the ram out.
Playing with these:

Just arrived today, well the Audigy Live Drive and the top Audigy 2 ZS (bought it for the live drive but always nice to have another, really like these sound cards)

All working and sound great, thankfully neither have the noise issue(capacitor related some of them suffer with even from new) Higher serial number one has the green and white TAD / AUX connectors and a sticker on the rear jacks to colour code the inputs/outputs.
Thanks, really appreciate you looking!
No bother mate. I dont want this board so if yours is dead and you are dead set on a build with this board I dont mind sending it your way if you dont mind paying for post.

Also.... I have just realised I checked the RAM from the wrong pc(slightly newer AMD pc - MSI MS-6511, Athlon XP 1600+).... I'll check again in a bit.
Just arrived today, well the Audigy Live Drive and the top Audigy 2 ZS (bought it for the live drive but always nice to have another, really like these sound cards)

Always wanted a Live Drive - no idea why as probably wouldn't have had a use for it - think it would have been just to fill up one of the six 5.25" bays my Chieftec Full tower had :)
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