What server do you OcUK'ers play WoW on?

Sutters said:
Decided to re roll on a new server, Aerie Peak, now i have a 27 rouge and a 25 priest on there. It's been open about 4/5 weeks, a few 60's going around already.
I know what you mean, only started playing WOW 2 weeks ago and the server went from spacious to overcrowded almost overnight, i'm fighting all the time just to claim my skins!
Still there are some helpful people around, but they are rare!
HAz said:

60 priest (oldmurkeye)
60 hunter (harrysac)
60 rouge
45 warrior


Haomarush -
Octavia lvl 60 Rogue (Female NE).
Dephect lvl 27 Mage (Female Gnome).

Twighlight Hammer -
Otherside - 57 Warrior (Male Human).

I don't actually have a main at the moment as the raiding guild I was in with Octavia has got abit of the summer blues :(.. So I've started a Priest on Twisting Nether only lvl 18 atm though heh.
Any of you guys able to log on to wow with the new patch? It borked my install up and still can't get it working after fresh install.
Depends which server, Frostwhipser is 100% borked 24/7 again (nothing new there) but I can get on Eonar np.
My main characters are on Frostmane, but I'm leaving as soon as my mage hits 60 because end game is driving me mad!
60 undead priest
57 undead mage

53 tauren Druid

48 UD Warlock (Acathexis)
15 UD Rogue (Nichneven)

A bunch of others i started to get a feel for but haven't really carried on with....on loads of different servers. If you see an female undead called Acathexis, Nichneven or Thakhile it might well be me :)
OtherSide said:

Haomarush -
Octavia lvl 60 Rogue (Female NE).
Dephect lvl 27 Mage (Female Gnome).

Twighlight Hammer -
Otherside - 57 Warrior (Male Human).

I don't actually have a main at the moment as the raiding guild I was in with Octavia has got abit of the summer blues :(.. So I've started a Priest on Twisting Nether only lvl 18 atm though heh.


Dephect I have seen! :eek:


Quinx 28 Warrior
Lamby 17 Priest

Those are likely to be 30 and 20 tommorrow, you get the idea. :p
All my characters are on Eonar.

[newbie mode]
I guess I cant change what server my characters are on?

Also, what is the deal with PvP servers? You can gank anyone, anywhere, anytime? (This PvE thing is a bit dull.)
[/newbie mode]
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