What stupid thing have you seen, heard or experienced today?

If some random person was "karen" enough to comment about my shopping, I would tell them where to get off...

my niece was moaning that the butter in the fridge was too hard to spread on the bread and it was breaking the bread....
I was like; did you not see the "I can't believe it's not butter" in the door tray
"nooo... why do you have both butter and marge?"...

She has a point. Might as well remove the "I can't believe it's not" from the name, because you'd have to be a complete imbecile to think the 2 are comparable in any way :mad:
I agree I've just stocked up, £10.50 for 24 cans at my local Iceland...

Hate to break it to you my friend, but you only have 20 cans there.
I once persuaded a 75 year old pensioner to buy a barbell sleeve for comfortable squating simply because it was going for 99p in Aldi.
Waitress: Is the vegan bean burger dairy free?

Me: ...It's vegan?

Waitress: Yes but is it dairy free? They have an allergy.

Me: It's vegan, dairy isn't vegan so yes, it's dairy free. For the love of god read the menu.
Not everyone knows what vegan is. Better to be safe than sorry.

Anyone who is allergic to dairy knows that vegan is also DF.

Everything on the menu is marked as V/VG/DF as applicable.

Even the vegan stuff is also marked as DF just to be 100% clear, I've been asking the FoH staff to read the menu every day for 3 months to avoid confusion, as it frequently changes. Every day we get the same questions.
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Yesterday, not necessarily stupid, but made me laugh.

Context: daughter is very high maintenance! Wifey at work, lazy daughter is in bed - so peace throughout the house.

I had some errands to run, so headed to the local village, did the tasks and picked up some 3 sausage rolls from the butchers = wifey, daughter and I.

Daughter gets out of bed, tell her there's a sausage roll for her, less than 10mins out of bed there's tears, here we go.......... "What's up?" I ask - thinking problem with friends, boyfriend, work etc.

Turns out she put her sausage roll on a plate, put it on the coffee table and nipped to the loo. Came back, sausage roll was gone and dog was licking her lips.
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