What to do with a dead cat?

Phone the Daily Mail and tell them that you got woken up by a large glowing light in your garden, went out to investigate, heard a wooshing sound as the light disappeared and then found a dead cat.
If you are planning on having the curry get it in the freezer ASAP don't want it going bad now.

There are many things you can do with said cat.

Turn it into a hat.
Mount it's head on the wall like you see in hunting cabins.
Tie it to a stratosphere balloon INC GoPro's and no parachute.
Tie it to a stratosphere balloon INC several large fireworks in a certain tail end.. hole, at high altitude, launch said fireworks remotely and potentially launch cat into orbit?????
Do you have a Facebook 'spotted' page in your area?

Post a message there describing the cat and where it is now so hopefully the owners can be notified.
Strange how most people here seem to think that someones lost pet is nothing but a huge joke

if they cared for their pet instead of letting it roam free where there are cars and other animals capable of killing it, then it wouldnt be dead

washing up bowl, allotment or back garden, length of rope..keeps you in bait for your fishing for a few days
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