What to do with a giant pumpkin?

Weighed them. 55Kg and 40Kg. Not bad. My record is about 90Kg though.

I also trimmed the diseased vine from the stems as much as possible. A bit of bleach on them might hold off the rot until Halloween. Assuming they hold up until then, what should I carve them as?

Set up a 24/7 live "rot cam" on Twitch and rake in ad revenue. Take/log guesses from the audience on how many days it will stay up until it decays to a certain arbitrary level that you'll use your discretion to decide on later. Arrange small but thoughtfully amusing prizes for the closest handful. Have fun with it, moving household objects and/or toys/figurines around the scene. Start out fun, but end up creating a plot of unlikely depth. Allow it to take up a larger amount of your time, until your family jokingly refer to you as the pumpkin man. Become utterly obsessed with the somehow wildly snowballing amount of attention and lose the ability to care about anything but maximizing what can surely only be a short period in the limelight. Deteriorate in to complete panic at the first sign of decomposition, and in your terrified, anxiety ridden state, make the rash decision to end it now, escaping with the pumpkin while you still can.
Set up a 24/7 live "rot cam" on Twitch and rake in ad revenue. Take/log guesses from the audience on how many days it will stay up until it decays to a certain arbitrary level that you'll use your discretion to decide on later. Arrange small but thoughtfully amusing prizes for the closest handful. Have fun with it, moving household objects and/or toys/figurines around the scene. Start out fun, but end up creating a plot of unlikely depth. Allow it to take up a larger amount of your time, until your family jokingly refer to you as the pumpkin man. Become utterly obsessed with the somehow wildly snowballing amount of attention and lose the ability to care about anything but maximizing what can surely only be a short period in the limelight. Deteriorate in to complete panic at the first sign of decomposition, and in your terrified, anxiety ridden state, make the rash decision to end it now, escaping with the pumpkin while you still can.
Ahh yes, I see that you know your judo well. That’s beautiful.
I’ll be honest if I found that on my doorstep I wouldn’t think someone had performed a random act of kindness!!

I’d be wondering who I’d upset!!
Place a fake moustache or lippy and glasses where its face would be be and port it around your local village in a pram, telling everyone who will listen that, "He doesn't like the heat, it's the vapours and humidity, you see" while replacing the glasses with actual sun glasses and popping a jaunty cap on its warming brow.

I would watch this movie and I would watch it hard.
I have a pair of rather sizeable pumpkins (ho ho) and I don’t know what to do with them. I have preempted the inevitable “shove it up your arse” suggestion but I can confirm that there isn’t enough lubrication in the world to make that happen.



Builders bucket for scale. I haven’t yet weighed them but I’d estimate around 50Kg for the bigger one and 35Kg for the smaller one. I’ll weight them later.
Make pumpkin tortelli!
They’re not edible and they will rot before Halloween.
Dammit! Plans ruined
I originally planned to carve them but the vine gave up early so here we are.
Carve anyway IMO.
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