Impressive souvenir!The Wire definitely takes more than one episode to get into. I remember struggling to understand them at the beginning but once you get into it, it's brilliant. It's definitely a slow burn series though. I was surprised how much I rated it, never thought I'd get so invested in essentially a cops and criminals story. It's got some of the best anti-heroes ever committed to TV.
Love that show. I'm not far from Brentford so I've been around a lot of the places where they filmed it. I've got a pic in front of the towersOh and I almost forgot;
Have you tried the Thick of It? That's unparalleled comedy writing as far as I'm concerned.
Never watched the thick of it. The few YouTube clips I've seen are quite funny. I should give it a try, although my perception was that it was best watched at the time as it's political satire. Will I miss some of the sarcasm/satire if I don't recall the political machinations of the day?