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Really annoying that Netflix keeps killing things at the third season, just when you start to feel real attachment to the characters.

In the case of Dark it makes sense though, 3 is an important number in Dark and its a story that could easily jump the shark if it goes on too long so 3 seasons will probably make for an ideal length
How has this been since season 3? I ask because I quite enjoyed season 1, loved season 2 but was bored almost all of season 3. As such, haven't watched any since.

Yeah season 3 was quite slow but it picks up in season 4 and 5. 6 was ok as well but not as good as 4 and 5.
Likewise, binge watched Season 1 and have literally just finished the season 1 finale. As you say, I also felt it started slow but gathered pace. Superb show, love all the twists and turns, though it is a bit of a mind**** at times. Happy to hear that they have renewed it for a 3rd season but sad to hear that the 3rd season will be the final season.
Binge watched through series 1 and 2 in a couple of nights. Finished it. Amazing.
Started watching Manifest last night. 3 Episodes into it and I have no idea where they're going. It's nothing special but I will probably continue unless it gets really bad
We watched Manifest, sorry to say it didn't get any better....
Shockingly average throughout? I'll let her know we should probably stop. There's a guy in the 2nd or 3rd episode with potentially the worst faux-Jamaican accent I've ever heard

Sort of glad as now she has finished Sopranos we can carry on with either The Wire or Mad Men
You might like it, we found ourselves watching it because we were hoping it would get better and explain something. It didn't.
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