What TV shows are you currently watching

2 Nov 2018
currently watching for all man kind. cant believe I hadn't come across this sooner. premise is great and would always appealed to me, but the writing is prenominal. Has me and the boss hooked and binged 2 series over the xmas period.
What point of the story did it hook you? Had it recommended to me and really struggled to get through season 1. My friend says it gets really good and to stick with it but had to tap out 2 EPs into season 2 irrc
18 Nov 2019
Several things.......

Wolf- I thought it was so fantastic that I have watched it all twice!

Will definitely watch a 3rd time.

Wolfhall- a gentle and surprisingly good series.

I think a 2nd is going to be filmed this coming next year so I'll look forward to that.

Versaille- exquisite really.

Have to admit that I don't know much about the French royalty but I found it fascinating and will definitely watch all of it again at some point.

Kin- enjoyable and passed the time nicely.

Hidden Assets- I watched the first series ages ago. I ought to have rewatched it so I could remember what had happened for the 2nd.

When series 3 comes out I'll rewatch both 1 and 2 again so I don't get lost as there was a lot going on!

Time (2nd series)- it was good but not a patch on the first one with Sean Bean in it.

Scrublands- it was okay

The Reckoning- I thought it was excellent despite being a difficult watch

The Woman in the Wall- another that was intriguing but felt slightly let down by the ending.

Now I've just started Vienna Blood and so far, I'm not quite sure what to make of it but only half way through the first episode.
18 May 2007
Got through all of Blue Eye Samurai today, thought it was good but could have done without the few times you get modern songs on the soundtrack - the use of 'Battle without honour or humanity' was a bit cringe for my tastes.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
What point of the story did it hook you? Had it recommended to me and really struggled to get through season 1. My friend says it gets really good and to stick with it but had to tap out 2 EPs into season 2 irrc

Similar for me, season 1 was a struggle, just had no interest in season 2 though the premise looks a bit more interesting.
7 Nov 2008
Got through all of Blue Eye Samurai today, thought it was good but could have done without the few times you get modern songs on the soundtrack - the use of 'Battle without honour or humanity' was a bit cringe for my tastes.
Have to agree that the choice of music in some scenes really took me out of it, but overall I enjoyed watching BES.
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