What Virtual Reality games are you playing?

Hooked on dcs world, being sat in that cockpit is amazing . I dream of super high res vr in the future, would be awesome
I've mostly been using mine with Elite Dangerous. - completely forgotten the controls though so I'm mostly just sitting in space staring at the visuals...
I mess about in The Lab and Rec Room a fair bit as well.

Recently started Fallout VR though haven't gotten used to it yet so I'm not sure if I'll stick with it.
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Hooked on dcs world, being sat in that cockpit is amazing . I dream of super high res vr in the future, would be awesome

2.5 update in 2 weeks!

Joking aside 2.5 is meant to be out this month... can't bloody wait! :D

I'm still hooked on playing around in H3VR. Always find myself going back to it to waste time.

Apart from that, Project Cars 2.
Gorn, Space Pirate Trainer, Eleven Table Tennis and disassembled are the main games I play right now.

I still go into Rec Room from time to time and also play Robo Recall and Virtual Sports Challenge.
Loving assetto corsa at the moment. I hated it at first but so glad I stuck with it. There's a big learning curve to over come but it's worth it.

Elite dangerous is also brilliant.
Non, my pc is dead...

But when I build my new one I intend to start where I left off and play the hell out Bullets and More, amazing and criminally ignored game
Box VR for workouts when I can't go running due to the weather. I don't find it particually intense cardio, but it does burn the calories in a very fun way.

From Other Suns is the main game I'm addicted to right now. Great fun despite some bugs. I've still not managed to win the game yet, but I've got close.
2.5 update in 2 weeks!

Joking aside 2.5 is meant to be out this month... can't bloody wait! :D

I'm still hooked on playing around in H3VR. Always find myself going back to it to waste time.

Apart from that, Project Cars 2.
Out on 31st they say ;)
I really need to get into VR. Not sure if to wait for the new VIVE or get an Oculus now. I love the look of Assetto Corsa in VR and a proper steering wheel setup.
I really need to get into VR. Not sure if to wait for the new VIVE or get an Oculus now. I love the look of Assetto Corsa in VR and a proper steering wheel setup.

If you can try out a headset before you buy. But, if you really want to get into VR asap, get the Oculus Rift. It's at a pretty good price right now and you get a ton of free software/games to get you going.
Vive pro looks like a great upgrade headset wise, but I'd rather have the Rift touch controllers over a headset upgrade as they are one of the biggest factors in VR immersion for me. The Vive Pro would have to ship with Knuckles controllers to be interesting to me, and only then if the knuckles are ergonomically and functionally much better than Rift touch controllers.
Elite Dangerous and nothing else.

I'm feeling guilty that I don't try other games, but I'm restricted by the small room/seated experience...
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