What Virtual Reality games are you playing?

Mostly simracing at the moment, RF2, PC2, AC, DR, ETS2. Hoping for VR support soon within RE7 and Spintires MR's.

Very interested in SURV1V3 released on the 29th!
Ones I go back to for repeat short sessions
Holo Ball (More FOV would help here)
Space Pirate Trainer
High Noon (Oddly I'm much better hip firing!)
Arizone Sunshine
Audioshield (listen to your tracks and get a mild work out)
Rick n Morty
The Lab

Minecraft is still one of my favourites for an hour or more but hardly played it in 2D and the install process is much easier now. Originally you had to compile Java libraries etc. yourself.

I want to get back in to Elite Dangerous and have a race sim setup for Project Cars etc. but sold the PC I used to run that not long before getting another Vive so they are on the list.
DCS. I have Assetto and Elite installed, but just don't have the time for them whilst learning the fly something new. Currently learning how to use the TACAN and ILS systems on the A10, hoping that they'll be similar when implemented in the Harrier and F18.
Lone Echo should also be on your to try list as the game is very polished with possibly the best motion system out there (zero gravity anyway). I used Revive on the Vive.
Forgotten how good Space Pirates And Zombies 2 was in VR. The battle scenes are great with a 360 view, and the godlike complex overview you have on the map screen is so immersive.
Getting more tactical at Space Pirate trainer now so can get past one big boss which is fun and according to my new fitbit, I had an intense workout :)
I've finally got into Elite now I've got an X52 Pro Hotas. It's taken a long time to get my head round it, but I'm now making progress and I've bought a Cobra Mark III to celebrate the nostalgia I have for the game, since being the 6th person to get to Elite status on the C64 back in the 80's. :D
The lack of autopilot for travelling around the solar systems does get to me though.

Still spending most of my time in From Other Suns, and finally managed to beat the game over the weekend.

BoxVR is still my go-to game for a work-out. Got an amazing score in the super-endurance mode today, putting me 9th on the leaderboard.
Elite Dangerous and nothing else.

I'm feeling guilty that I don't try other games, but I'm restricted by the small room/seated experience...

Me too. Bought my Rift for occasional use with Elite, and I now don't fly without it. Actually that's not quite true. I did fire up the Beyonds beta on the desktop just to see how the new planetary graphics looked; and I hated it. Everything was so small! :D
Just going to add Surv1v3 to the list of current games, initial release lacked snap turn but the newly released patch means the game is a lot more playable!
Brass Tatics Beta - Real time strategy meets VR. Allot of fun and I am looking forward to the full release on the 23rd.

Sairento - This game has just been released so I haven’t spent much time with it.
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