What was the first game you ever played?

Mine was a vertical shooter car combat played on C64 (or varient) I think. It definitely was on tape. I barely remember anything about it, one car was pink and one was blue? You could only shoot straight up? I doubt I could even recognise it anymore,cI think it is a memory of a memory if that makes sense, a sort of internal Chinese whispers so I might just be making it up! It must have been in 1993 or 4 I played it before we got a Windows PC.
I was looking through some youtubes last night and noticed there was a modern remake of the first game I played. Then I thought, I don't think anyone as asked the question on here; What is the first game you ever played, and on what system?

For me it was Bruce Lee on the Commodore 64. I think I was 12 years old when my parents bought me a C64 and the game came with it. Though back then I struggled to complete it. These days I can :D

So what is the first game you remember playing, and on what system?

Mine was the same game except it was on pc along with a wrestling game and psi v trading company.
Think my first game was either Pitfall or DigDug on the Atari 2600 in the early eighties (the black plastic version):

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Astro Wars - I played it nonstop.

It was nostalgic looking up the below clip but I'm amazed this game captivated me for so long considering the repetiveness. Simpler times, I guess, when every new bit of tech felt like it couldn't possibly be improved upon.

But this got left to gather dust when I had finished saving for my zx81 with ram pack!
Probably Space Invaders on an arcade cabinet, followed by Pong on a Colecovision. Then something on a borrowed ZX-81. But the first game I played on my own computer would have been Blue Manies on the VOC-20:

The first computer I had was a Vic 20, and the game I remember was a very primitive racing game, where the road was defined by just white posts along the sides. Can't remember what it was called at all. It was on cartridge rather than tape - we did have some games on tape, but get the Vic 20 second hand with no instructions, and none of us had the faintest idea how to load them!

I had Bruce Lee on the C64 a few years later, and it was a great game. Having a friend take over one of the enemies (the Sumo guy as I remember) to help you out, but they would invariably get bored and start attacking you.

And when you finally completed it ... it just started from the beginning again.

Does anyone remember from the C64, the first game I ever came across with licensed music (assuming it wasn't just stolen music) a side scrolling r-type-type which had an instrumental of I Feel Love by Donna Summer as the background music. Because it was very electronic disco music anyway, it was quite a faithful rendition.

Other games I remember really fondly are Kickstart 2, Racing Destruction Set, Wizball. I'm sure there are others - I had hundreds (all bought for £1.99, mostly from WHSmith - those were the days!)
Hmm, quite possibly Combat on the Atari 2600 console, either that or a ZX81 game......was so long ago its hard to remember.:p


Same here. Also Indiana Jones, Space Invaders, Frogger, Joust
I was looking through some youtubes last night and noticed there was a modern remake of the first game I played. Then I thought, I don't think anyone as asked the question on here; What is the first game you ever played, and on what system?

For me it was Bruce Lee on the Commodore 64. I think I was 12 years old when my parents bought me a C64 and the game came with it. Though back then I struggled to complete it. These days I can :D

So what is the first game you remember playing, and on what system?

bruce lee is the 1st game i ever completed (spectrum) (spoiler it just loops)

1st game i ever played.... i dunno, possibly space invaders on arcade but i am not certain. 1at ever game i played on my own computer was definitely Horace goes skiing xmas day 1982. (speccy 48k)
I'll show my age here.

Pong was the first game I played, my cousin had one for Christmas, not sure of the year but I have a vague recollection of the console being orange, but I could be wrong.
sounds like the binatone system... I had one of those, not from new, i picked up for £3 from a car boot sale (I used to love buying computer stuff from car boot sales almost all my pocket money went either their or in my local news agent buying mastertronic games).

it is strange the things you remember. I cant remember what i had for lunch last week but stuff like the above i can hang my hat on even though probably 30-35 years ago.
Played Spy Hunter on a relatives 48k Speccy a very very long time ago. That was probably my first ever. Got a second hand spectrum of my own shortly after with a ton of games including Spy Hunter..
Hard to say which was the first as I can barely remember. The first games I remember playing were:

Space Invaders
Ghosts n Goblins

I then moved on to the Binotone (bat and ball games for those not familiar) and then the Spectrum. At school we had a BBC Micro and the first game I really remember playing was some pirate adventure game where you had to find the other ship (played by another person) and having to turn away from the screen when it wasnt your turn.

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