What was the most outrageous thing you did at School ?

Got suspended from a very well respected public school for having an adult entertainment empire. I sold literature and imagery.
I was known as the porn baron.
Partied Friday night, afterparty all day Saturday, out again Saturday night, and then another afterparty Sunday.
No sleep until I got home at midday, took a 4 hour nap, then studied for my Business Economics A-Levels for 4 hours as I was writing it on Monday and hadn't studied yet.
Scored an 87% :D

That withstanding, probably setting off a milk/chlorine "bomb" and killing loads of grass on the field in the process.
I went to a very rough school and did some pretty daft things, including but not limited to - throwing a home made ninja star at a pupil, removing roofing tiles in order to see into the girls toilet, setting a large tree on fire ,selling counterfeit watches and stealing a parachute. And I was one of the better students.
Deputy Head was standing in for our usual English teacher, when he popped out of the class for a second I put a Condom I’d got from Sex Ed in his cup of tea. Spent the rest of the week at home :)
Oh man I forgot this one. This is the honest truth. Seems really really weird now, but on our last assembly in secondary school, we have a whip round and bought a stripper for the head teacher.

She walked in, cracked her whip and got marched out by some of the teachers.

What were we thinking? :D
left a tap running in a sink in the science lab (inside one of those old fume cabinet things - you young uns probably won't know what that is) being inside no one could hear it running.....the stopper was a tall hollow black plug resembling a female sex toy.....I rummaged round till I found one taller than the sink was deep......needless to say it flooded....being a Friday the potential for devastation was quite high. only for the netball team staying on after school for training the roof would have collapsed. that was genuinely not my intention - I was young and stupid and not really thinking. I almost ducked that one by putting on a convincing display during the ensuing 'investigation' - managing to convince the head of junior boys discipline that the teacher was responsible.....rumour was she was in line for the chop when in a moment of sense I owned up. teacher I had conned during the investigation gave me such a kicking (nothing compared to the one my father dished out!) - was worth it though to see his face when I confessed! 5 day suspension reduced to 3 in lieu of the kicking (way before corporal punishment was banned)

was part of a group that 'blew up' a wild cat (there were many roaming near our secondary school) with a home made 'banger' ……..we had to put the poor thing out of its misery. not a proud moment - don't think any of us were overly chuffed with our actions. again we were young and stupid and didn't think our actions through in advance.

too many individual things to mention but the 'torturing' of my then form teacher was apparently influential in leading him to a nervous breakdown......in my defence he was a nut job to begin with.

several other less 'serious' acts of idiocy - I got very bored quickly and entertained myself by terrorising people. :(
Actually IN school was setting off a bunch of stink bombs in a final GCSE exam and having it evacuated and everyone had to re sit it three weeks later. I didn’t get to attend.

I also sent someone to hospital when I stabbed him in the arm with a pencil and it got stuck in his arm (he had stabbed me with a compas) my head of year told me to “be more careful” next time.

Got kicked out for a week 6 times 5 for fighting and once for telling the media teacher to **** a donkey.

My favourite thing that my dad did was sinking the schools boat at catholic school with his brother!
Compared to some of the soi disant “legends” on here, who smoked a joint in assembly, or used fake pound coins in the snack machine, mine pales into insignificance.
While on a week long school trip to the Belgian Coast, when I was maybe 14, I banged the school’s “Gripper Stebson” type bully’s girlfriend.
Somehow “Gripper” found out, unsurprisingly, as I was personally shouting it from the rooftops, and gave me a smack in the mouth when he caught up with me.
I farted once in the science block and they had to evacuate it as they thought there was a methane leak...
As a 7-8 year old got a girl to touch a hot pile of glue from a glue-gun. Someone else had done it to me a few moments before and I reacted instantly, wiped it off on the corner of the desk before it could burn me, but the girl didn't have the same instincts so just let it burn her whilst screaming.

Some petty theft from the school tuck shop when I was around 12-13 (got caught).

Set fire to a number of Science journals which were kept just above the gas taps in out science classroom. I thought it'd be funny for a few books to go up but it quickly got way out of hand requiring multiple fire extinguishers.

Was the "armourer" during our inter-school fights against the other local high school when I was 16. I'd carry a few metal bars in my huge school bag incase we started to lose any of the many fights we had before the Police cracked down on it all.

Looking back, even though I didn't consider myself a "bad lad" at the time, I was not a nice kid and it took a few years in the Military to truly sort myself out.

My worst trait however was that I was a smart-arse to the teachers involved in lessons I didn't care about (RE, Home Economics, Sewing, Spanish/French etc) and I regularly spent whole days sat outside classrooms because the teachers couldn't handle being spoken to as an adult by a child, so as a "disruptive" child I was left outside the classroom instead i.e. telling the sewing teacher "just show me how to sow a button, darn a sock, patch a pair of trousers but nothing else as the rest is wasted on me and I don't want to know it. I'd rather you spent your time teaching those who actually wanted to learn from you, cheers!" etc which when it's coming from an 11 year old can be hard to deal with!
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Oh boy, I shall come back to this thread once my sobriety levels have resumed normal operation but suffice to say I could probably fill three pages.
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