What was the most outrageous thing you did at School ?

I was pretty good on the whole till I was about to sit my GCSE's and was struggling with my English grades. I was meant to stay after school for extra 'catch up' classes but instead lied to my parents and went to my girlfriend at the times house.

Thought I was gods gift getting away with it, till the teachers called home stating I'd never been after 4 weeks of after school classes :P

Electronics engineer now so worked out OK in the end :D
Went to a stuffy all-boys grammar school.

Me and my best mate had a notebook with loads of hand drawn comic strips we used to pass back and forth and add to, full of really bad taste stuff and swearing. It was basically Viz 4 years before Viz came out. We got caught with it in a maths lesson and the teacher went absolutely mental (he was known for being a violent nutter anyway), threatened us with expulsion and allsorts and took it straight to the head. And... nothing happened, was worried sick for a week but nothing. My mate's dad was on the board of governers so he may have 'had a word' but I never found out. Never got it back either.

Found a key in the yard so just automatically shoved it on my keyring because I was a magpie like that. A couple of years later I was mucking about in the science block bored and started shoving keys in to the door next to my chair. One fit, and locked it, and the teacher confiscated them. Turned out the key I had found was the master key to the entire science building and I had no idea. I got a hours long grilling off the head (I couldn't even remember where it had come from by that point) and had to write an apology letter to the maintainance man, who it belonged to.
I was pretty good on the whole till I was about to sit my GCSE's and was struggling with my English grades. I was meant to stay after school for extra 'catch up' classes but instead lied to my parents and went to my girlfriend at the times house.

Thought I was gods gift getting away with it, till the teachers called home stating I'd never been after 4 weeks of after school classes :p

Electronics engineer now so worked out OK in the end :D

It shows :D

Just kidding :p But seriously though, apostrophe abuse cannot be tolerated!

I was genuinely naughty in school. Hung around with the wrong crowd and got the nickname bollock because I got bollocked a lot.
A group of me and my mates skived sports day and went swimming, had a blast.
Me and my mate skived PE and went to my house near by and played Unreal Tournament on mine and my Dads PC's which were home networked at the time.
The Deputy Head gave me detention for some pointless reason so I called him another word for a cigarette and got suspended for 3 days, my Dad wasn't really too mad since I didn't call him it to his face and he only happened to over hear, we went out and got the original Xbox and I played Halo for 3 days, no real impact on anything.
I took my BB gun to school to show my mates and ended up shooting it at the ceiling in class, the teacher thought I threw something so I just said I threw a coin and got told off for that, in hind sight taking what looks like a replica gun to school was a pretty bad idea. In today's climate you'd get permanently excluded for it I'd imagine.
I could go on for a while.
Also went to a stuffy all-boys grammar school...

At the tender age of 12 years old I ran a pirate games business selling copies of Spectrum games with some friends - the year head didn't take kindly to this and shut us down :mad:

Few years later I 'helped out' some friends who were on the stage crew for the annual co-production with the local girls grammar school, the plan being that this would get me into the party after the final show. The plan worked, however I got a little carried away with the booze and got so drunk that the girls school deputy head teacher had to help me off the premises :o
In the seniors I really didn't want to go to maths one day, instead of truancy I decided letting the fire alarm off was a better idea. A mate was with me at the time, we were daring each other but I was the one who did it. I smashed the glass with my pen and for what seemed like an eternity nothing happened so we just stood there confused, then the alarm started going off and we panicked and ran but was spotted by another student. When assembled on the hard court that student identified me. I got suspended for a week, I don't remember what happened to my mate.

In the juniors not knowing what the word was, in an after school activity I said to Mr. Robinson "oi you **** you spelled my name wrong". He exploded, steam coming out of his ears an nose and his face red with fire. This next bit I only know from second hand, he was raging at me so loud the parents outside could hear him and talking among themselves said they would never like their child be spoken to like that. Cue my Mum having a look to see what's going on and seeing it was me being shouted at. She burst through those doors and covered the hall in 2 steps to get at this teacher. I was too young to remember much else about it but hearing my Mum tell the story over the years she said "rivers of blood if you talk to him like that again, rivers of blood". All I did was call him the T word for female lady bits. To this very day I cannot stand shouting, I don't do it and hate hearing other people shout and most of all I hate being shouted at all because of Mr. Robinson's fury that day. I got into lots of fights growing up with me throwing first because of someone shouting at me which I interpreted as hostile aggression.

My neighbour imported Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back on DVD and I got Mum to get a copy for me too. I had friends who wanted to borrow it from me so I got the idea of give me a VHS tape and £5 and I'll copy it for you. I made enough money to buy Wrestlemania 2000 on N64.

This one isn't about me but I find it so outrageous it's worth a mention. At my senior school school trips were common for certain year groups. The year 10's had the opportunity to go to France for a weekend with a day at Euro Disney being the main idea of the trip. I'm in year 11 at this point and the year trailing mine had some proper wrong'uns in it, years ago I even heard some of them are dead not making it out of their teens, anyway one day every year group was assembled separately one after the other to be given the news that several students on that years France trip were arrested for shoplifting at Euro Disney and were sent home. I don't remember if it was just them or the whole year group.
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Reinstated the connection for the 32 foot organ pipes that were found to cause structural damage and put a brick on the pedal, started the blower and legged it. Structural damage did indeed occur. Someone else used a groundsman's chain to tie the back axle of a teacher's Bentley to a concrete pillar of great substance and mass and coiled the chain under the car. This teacher flamboyantly left the quadrangle each night with a flurry of gravel. Upon attaining about 20 MPH the chain went taught and the axle and wheels and leaf springs stayed put whilst the vehicle belly flopped some yards further on. As the lad that did it was a nutter of whom most of us were more frightened of than of the teachers no one admitted knowing anything of it despite the cops being called. The teacher was a dour and sadistic bar steward so it was apparently even greeted with some mirth in the staff room...

Despite being a total dunce at chemistry I did master the art of making nitrogen triiodide and leaving clumps to dry into a very unstable state in imaginative locations. You'd probably be committing a terrorist offence if you did it today.
Gave the computer studies teacher a nervous breakdown - quite literally I think, he never came back after going off sick - by messing with the network, turned out I knew far more about the Acorn / BBC Econet system than he did, we used to send him threatening messages (with the identity of the sending terminal displaying in black on a black background:D) locked him out of the Winchester HD server (a whopping 20MB and the size of a big suitcase) Made the computers say in tandem “Mr ***** is a *******” - what sounded bizarre was the BBC computers used a speech synthesiser that had the voice of Kenneth Kendal who was a well known BBC newsreader at the time.
Used the computer club as a software piracy empire, anything that wasn’t nailed down in the computer lab disappeared, the list went on.

Eventually the school updated to Research Machines (which were awful) and the fun stopped but a friend of mine went back after school and took all the old BBC computers out of the skip and sold the lot via Micro Mart, made well over £1k which in the late 80’s was big money!

I got suspended for blowing up part of my schools incinerator.

Set off a few bird scarers which I had liberated from a local farm (imagine very very very loud bangers) during the school nativity.

We rolled a teachers Robin Reliant 3 wheeler on to its roof in the car park.

Put cling film over the pans in the girls toilets just before break.

And those are the things I’ll admit to.

There was more, much more! :o :D
Got caught hacking into the school computers and got access to all the teachers passwords.

It was a Rm nimbus network and not hard to do, 3 weeks suspension. lol:D

Lets just say I never seen a computer room in school again. I was banned from computer science. :p

Most of their network passwords are still 'changeme' to this day.
Never got in serious trouble, detentions for forgetting homework or being late to class that kind of thing.

Use to sneak out at lunch in a hole in fence and goto sainsburys as it seemed "cool" to be escaping school for abit, quite a few people done this but i never got caught, always liked the thrill of knowing a teacher is looking for us all - looking back on it the food at the canteen was better than going to sainsburys.

When i got to 6th form i use to walk to school (approx 30-40 min walk) with a girl who lived down same road as me, would often bunk school and go chill in the park with her all day, or if it was cold - goto pizza hut buffet, for some reason when i did go into school i never got questioned why i missed lessons or police would ever stop me even though i would walk round town.

Only funny story i remember was we had a physics teacher who was a right character, kids use to love trolling him, one lesson we got the bunsen burners out as we had some experiment but he had to pop to the lab as he had forgot something, so as i was bored i thought it would be a good idea to put paper in the fire of the bunsen burner, it then obviously set on fire and in a panic i chucked it in the bin at the front of the class (i was sitting at the front desk) next thing i know my teacher walks back in... the bin then went up in flames as was full of paper etc and he started screaming "ARRGHHHH THE BINS ON FIRE!!!!" i still remember his face to this day was priceless, all the kids in my class were wetting themselves and after it was all dealt with he asked who did it.. most of my class and me kept quiet but one or two kids pointed at me so got a detention and a talking too from head master.
Killed a family of newts - I still feel bad about it over 30 years later :(

It wasn't intentional - I'd stolen some sodium (or it might have been potassium, can't remember) from the chemistry lab after a demonstration by the teacher in class. I thought it'd be a great idea to steal a huge block and drop it in the school pond (in the corner of the games field) during lunch break. In it went and I ran for cover

The resultant explosion could be heard all round the school and brought the fire brigade.

It wasn't long before I was frog-marched into the headmaster's office. This I was expecting. Being the irretrievable moron that I was as a teenager all I cared about was the reputation I'd got as a bit of a bad boy getting a considerable boost with my friends.

It was a few minutes after the colossal bollocking began that I noticed the botany teacher, a man who up until this point had liked me, sobbing quietly in the darkened corner of the office.

He'd been helping feed and care for a family of newts living in the pond. These were now effectively spread over two post-codes.

I was suspended for a week, which I didn't really care about back then but the botany teacher never spoke to me directly again - I tried apologising but it was in vain.
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I once ran through a field of wheat. Oh wait we didn't have any fields of wheat where I lived and that was someone else anyway.

Got caught hacking into the school computers and got access to all the teachers passwords.

It was a Rm nimbus network and not hard to do, 3 weeks suspension. lol:D

Lets just say I never seen a computer room in school again. I was banned from computer science. :p

I did the same but wasn't caught. The password was "*I AM SYST" but it was so long ago and the network so ancient it will have long been consigned to the dustbin of history and in actuality so I think its safe releasing that...
Managed to install doom on some of the computers. IT teacher caught us and took the I'm not even mad that's amazing approach and left us to it for lunch breaks. Fun stopped when the asstiant head caught us in the it lab at lunch
Reading a bunch of these posts I've got to say I'm slightly surprised by the number of people committing what I would consider relatively serious misdemeanours (endangering others or excessive vandalism) for the ages involved. Quite a few saying they aren't proud out it which is difficult for me to get my head around the way based on my map of the world, i.e. why have people 'improved' their values/morals significantly when mine have probably dipped slightly.

Kids don't understand consequences properly and lack empathy. And some kids just follow the example / standards set for them. So the first lot now say they aren't proud of it because they now understand how they hurt / might have hurt. Meanwhile you were mostly behaving well because that's what you'd be taught to do and have since stopped feeling so obliged to behave that way. Both you and them have gravitated towards the middle.

On topic, I bit someone.
Made thermite in the engineering room.

Hacked the school network, multiple times.

Thats about it really.
I shot my nut all over the teachers back when I pulled out once.

EDIT: sorry, that should have said "I dropped my nuts all over the teachers bag"
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