What was your first computer game?

First computer game was on the Dragon 32 and I've no idea what it was called.

It was a motor racing game, the track was a very basic top down view and you had 2 dots for the cars that were controlled by joysticks that were so crap they were made out of cardboard, well that's how I remember them anyway. I remember enjoying it.
Probably Pong on the Atari or Thriller on the C64 :cool:

The answers in this thread give a good approximation as to peoples ages :)
GRAND PRIX, Salamander software.?

The official dragon controls were fairly naff, you wanted the 3rd party knock off with the micro switch, and spring centre stick, or a voltmase.

Good to see I wasn't the only poor soul with a dragon though/
This on the Sharp MZ-700:

Makes Flappy Bird look like a walk in the park.

In the aracades this always drew me back

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Battlechess, LHX attack chopper and strangely Leisure Suit Larry (remember guessing all the questions over and over again to get past the age check).
First video game belonging purely to me (not my dads C64 games) was Mario/Duck hunt cartridge with my NES.

Then first PC game was Half Life which my mam bought me with my first PC from big PC store.

Amazing start to PC gaming for me :)
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