What was your first computer game?

TI Invaders on a Texas Instruments TI 99/4A.

In 1990 - Microprose M1 Tank Platoon and then Transport Tycoon and Doom II around the mid-90's.

They were the key games I can recall.

Arcade wise - Gyruss and Moon Cresta were my favourites.
The Pheonix on C64 and the hobbit

Walk East.. "Can't walk east"
Walk West.. "Can't walk west"
Walk north .. "Can't walk north"
"Some eyes ere watching you.."
Walk South then you ****.. "Cant walk South"

"Your're dead!!"
The Pheonix on C64 and the hobbit

Walk East.. "Can't walk east"
Walk West.. "Can't walk west"
Walk north .. "Can't walk north"
"Some eyes ere watching you.."
Walk South then you ****.. "Cant walk South"

"Your're dead!!"

Never got anywhere useful in that hobbit game - took long enough to get out the house. Farmer Maggot's dogs were aggressive buggers, too.

Edit: No, wait, That must have been LotR
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I was late to gaming, I was an outside kid until I met my best mate!

My first PC game was Myst. But the first wave of PC gaming that really got me was Lineage II. I got ADDICTED to that game, played it as much as possible. After that, I was hooked to gaming for life. Many years later, I'm still playing games. And always will.
my first games I think was Roland in the Caves on Spectrum my dad bought me a c64 and I think my first game on that was Nexus.
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