What was your first computer game?

First game I played on a computer was Lunar Lander on the Tandy TRS80 at school in about 1983.

First game I bought for a computer I owned was Adventure Mania on the Texas Instruments TI99 4A.
Not counting Atari and Intelivision consoles in the very late 70s, it would have been Space Invaders on the Commodore PET 4032 around 1980.

Must have been that tank game on the Atari. Think the first computer would have been dark crysyal on the zx81 didnt understand it then and i dont now.
kids these days..moaning over graphics downgrades

I had to build a computer before I had the privelage of typing in a game to play! my zx80 came in a plastic bag and I had to build it myself, soldering and everything at 10 years old (though my dad did help a bit)
Pong, Pitfall; Space Invaders; *we even had dreaded ET for the 2600; Star Wars*

Then I got my Nes; Super Mario Brothers; first game I ever bought was Castlevania with my birthday money.

PC gaming - was dad brought home IBM PC Jr. one of the first if not first portable x86 computers......we had Zork and Destroyer II on it......loved those games....

They when we moved dad got another PC 486 and I got ahold of DOOM; Xwing and so many other classics :D
First game I played was probably the bombing game on the school Commodore VIC-20. That or Defender on the school BBC Micro.

First game I bought was probably something on the ZX Spectrum I got for Christmas. Not sure what, likely something by Codemasters. Maybe Jet Bike Simulator, the first time I heard synthesised speech!
I have played so many games on many different machines its really hard to remember my first ever game. All i know is my bro had a spectrum 48k the rubber keys one. I blew it up before bro had a chance to have a go (i was like 3-4) lol. Didnt know the connections at the time lol.

He got another so dunno first one but i liked dizzy games on it, star wars one, the great escape, turtles, barbarian i tried i never understood at the time how the hell to play it. Knightmare (never got out of the first room...) cookie, total eclipse (weird one) Turbo Esprit was a cool one i reckon a remake of that on pc would be pretty cool. Many others.
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