What was your first computer game?

Project 1 on Amiga 500 for my 7th Birthday.

I (my mum and dad) got the Amiga 2nd hand and it came with loads of games. Project 1 I remember being the first I saw in 1991. At the time my friends only had Spectrums, Acorns and BBCs so the games were outstanding. Actually, many Amiga games still are.

I might fire up Project 1 again, such a great game. I remember my dad getting to the futuristic level (zone 3) after hours of playing :)

2 or 3 years later I saw Doom on my Aunties very expensive PC and was blown away by it. I didn't own a PC until 1996 though
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Not sure exactly, but I remember watching my dad play White Viper, Video Meanies, and Jet Set Willy on the C64. I soon started playing them, and others. So one of those, probably.

I don't know what it was for me- we had a Commadore 64 and it was a vertical scrolling car combat game.
5th Gear?
first one I played on our family PC was 'D-Day' circa 1992, had tank driving, B17 flying, and an rts all on one floppy disk!

First one I owned myself was probably x-com terror from the deep or transport tycoon, cant remember which was first!
3D Rex on my ZX81 was the first commercial game i played, though there were a few games that i typed out for hours from PC mags (and then spent hours debugging because i made a typo somewhere)
First computer and game we actually owned: ZX Spectrum Plus 48k, the Christmas it came out, with Chequered Flag and a few "edumacational" tapes like Tasword and Build-a-Chip.

Had previously played a few games on mates' Speccies, ZX81s and the original Atari that my brother's friend had.

Very, very happy memories :)
Blitz, Froggit and Gridrunner on the Vic20 iirc

Matagalactic Llamas, Battle At The Edge Of Time came later along with Antimatter Splatter
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