What was your first computer game?

Can't remember which was first, so in no particular order;

James Pond
Monkey Island
The Spy Who Loved Me :D
Dig Dug I think it was? some sort of digging game :D

Also some crazy train game where you had to subtract the people who got off the train and add the ones who got on it :D
I think it was Lemmings.

I had Lemmings on the Gameboy. Completed all the levels up until Mayhem 4, which I spent hours trying to do, with no success.

Dug out the old gameboy a couple of years ago, fired up Lemmings (still had the level codes on a scrap of paper in the case), still couldn't do Mayhem 4.

Turn to google for assistance. Mayhem 4 was bugged - it was impossible :mad:

Hours of my childhood wasted :(
It would have been some learning game on a BBC, no idea.

The first game I played in my house on a computer (kinda - Atari ST) would have either been Rick Dangerous or Live and Let Die.
Doom + ShadowCaster on the PC playing with my dad when I was about 4 Years old.

I remember my dad bringing Doom home after he'd been away with work for a while, the box was comically huge :D

First online game was Ghost Recon on dial up :D I remember having to phone my friend to find out when he's gonna be on so we don't use the line up all day :D
can't remember my first computer game probably something typed into the RM 380z machine but first game bought on the Zx speccy was Atic Atac
Something like Chuck-E egg or Yellowbrick road on the BBC-Micro. Life of Repton shortly afterwards.

Fond memories.
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