What was your first computer game?

Not sure tbh but probably one of the Dizzy games or Indiana Jones on the Amstrad, in glorious green screen.
We had a console in the late 70s whose name I now can't remember at all and just seeing the title of this thread has been driving me crazy thinking about it. I can picture the thing, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.

We got an Atari 2600 in about 1980 and it would have been a year or two before that. It didn't have cartidges; you had to flip a switch to change to one of several games installed in the system itself. Anyway, there was a motorbike game where you had to jump over obstacles. That is the first game I remember playing, but sadly I've now no idea what it was called :(
Daley Thompson's Decathlon on the spectrum, a game that seem to be designed as a stress test for joysticks, most of which failed!
Pong.. or a version of of it. Dedicated console thing that plugged straight in to the TV.

First proper game was the hobbit that came with the C64. 1983 I think?
I was 5 it was 1991 and my dad brought home a pc from work to "finish some work", he also brought a copy of jet fighter 2. I treasured every moment flying around San Francisco bay revealing in its of its cutting edge 3D graphics.
Ah yes, if we don't count consoles, I think my first proper computer game was one of Horace Goes Skiiing or a game called Maziacs on the Spectrum. Can't remember which came first, but I do remember spending hours on both of them when I first got my Spectrum.
Duck hunt on the NES is the earliest I can remember. My first PC game that I ever got was the original Command and Conquer when I was about 9 years old. It was a massive boxed version! For some reason I remember it being hidden in our microwave and the excitement when I found it was over whelming. Good times, good times.
First ever mass online game I played was this:


This was the days of Dial up, 1p a minute - my first session cost my parents £80 :D
The first one I remember playing was Pine Applin on the MSX where you was some some of eggman and you had to collect Pineapples.
I just remember it being impossibly hard, but that may just have been me.
Commander Keen 1 is the first one I remember playing properly.

The first one I actually played was a F1 Racing game on my Dad's Spectrum, couldn't tell you what though. Also played a football game on there too (and beat Dad first time, which he didn't like :p).
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