First puter was an Acorn Electron, then i upgraded to a BBC B, tape drive
got an Amiga 500 then a 1200, both of which are still up in the attic.
first proper PC was from Tiny, and i still have the order sheet!
Pentium II 266Mhz
AL440LX mobo [inc Wave sound!]
6.4Gb HDD
15" CRT
3.5" floppy drive
4MB 3D Charger AGP vid card
32 speed CD rom
Epsom Stylus 300 printer
56k Internal modem
Win 95
and a bundle of game etc including the obligatory Dorling Kindersley stuff
all for the bargain price of £1119.00
edit - just reading back about Delta Force, yeah i was a hardcode fan of Novalogic, think i got all of the series. They started to get a bit naff towards the end though, looked like the writing was on the wall before Angel Falls became vapourware About the only thing i played online was Joint Ops, very entertaining introduction to the world of multiplayer, despite my modem bursting into tears every time i headed for the lobby.
got an Amiga 500 then a 1200, both of which are still up in the attic.
first proper PC was from Tiny, and i still have the order sheet!
Pentium II 266Mhz
AL440LX mobo [inc Wave sound!]
6.4Gb HDD
15" CRT
3.5" floppy drive
4MB 3D Charger AGP vid card
32 speed CD rom
Epsom Stylus 300 printer
56k Internal modem
Win 95
and a bundle of game etc including the obligatory Dorling Kindersley stuff
all for the bargain price of £1119.00
edit - just reading back about Delta Force, yeah i was a hardcode fan of Novalogic, think i got all of the series. They started to get a bit naff towards the end though, looked like the writing was on the wall before Angel Falls became vapourware About the only thing i played online was Joint Ops, very entertaining introduction to the world of multiplayer, despite my modem bursting into tears every time i headed for the lobby.