What was your first Smartphone?

Nokia 7610 in black and red in 2004. I started browsing the internet on a Nokia N80 in 2005 back in the day when you used the D-pad to move a cursor around the screen.
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Where it all began :cool:


HTC Magic!
Maze Alpha, a Mi Mix copycat, was great until one day it fell out of shirt pocket onto pavement... No external signs of damage but dead as a dodo.
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sony ericsson P900 & Nokia 6600

Think i bought both of them at very similar times (like in the same week)

I loved the P900 :) :) :)

Think my next mobile phone was a black nokia N95 8GB
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Blackberry 9780 - I was late to the smartphone party. A couple of days after getting it I had to take it back because the microphone stopped working
Loved BBM. I think I had to pay £2 a month for it as part of the contract. Also loved the physical keyboard. Hated the mouse pad or whatever it was called

[After that it was HTC One (M7); HTC Desire Eye (a repackaged M8); Huawei P20 Pro which I still have]
In the mid 2000's I had a HTC Universal running Windows mobile. It felt more like a very cut down laptop than a smartphone. I remember having Tomtom sideloaded onto it with an external Bluetooth GPS receiver when I went on holiday to the US. My mobile contract came with only 20MB data which was normal for the time!
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