What watch do you wear?

Too many quality control reports for CW for my liking really - I'd be concerned about getting one that fell through QC for the amount of money they're wanting for one at retail.
It's not, it's a Tudor day!

I really just wanted to give you a pic of my balls again tbh

Heh, I was at a client the other day and there was an intern, must have been 22 or something, wearing a brand new (mens) Rolex sub with green dial. I said: "That's a nice watch for an intern", and she nonchalantly said "Oh yeah, it was just a birthday present for passing my exams". Funny thing is that while in the UK that would draw incredulous or even derogatory comments, no-one blinks an eyelid over here. :D

When I was 18 I had an expensive watch and though it made me alpha, now I think men wearing watches is a bit gay.

That is one epic fail of an attempt at a sardonic post.
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