I wear my Grandad's Omega. It has been ticking for over 40 years now!
Awesome photo, is that the c5? I have the c5 aviator and love it!
i have skinny girl wrists so am somewhat concerned about getting a proper watch
My wrists are pretty thin (6" circumference) and they can be adjusted to fit me.i have skinny girl wrists so am somewhat concerned about getting a proper watch
i have skinny girl wrists so am somewhat concerned about getting a proper watch
I really fancy a Christopher Ward but reckon that it'll look stupid on my small wrists.
I have exactly the same issue. No matter how many pints I drink, or how many hand shandies I have, my wrists just stay feeble.
I really fancy a Christopher Ward but reckon that it'll look stupid on my small wrists.
i have skinny girl wrists so am somewhat concerned about getting a proper watch
So how does one judge the "Officialness" of watches being sold online. My girlfriend is after the following watch, but on the rainforest marketplace the same watch is being sold for about £280 and here (at another dubious looking website) for about £195.
Can anyone offer some wisdom?
I have as well but wear a 44mm Panerai and its fine