What's an emo?

dark_shadow said:
Right fellow emo lovers . . what would you call an ugly girl with pink hair?

I said "WTFage, an attention whore that defines fugly"

What would you lot say?
O.o shes not emo, her brother is tho.

shes not fugly foo', just cos shes not elisha cuthbert :rolleyes:

~ its not pink anymore

[had to reply to that couldn't let it slip]
Mohinder is the biggest emo of them all. Even his name is an emo band in itself. Hes like totally emo and cries when it rains and everything.
iCraig said:
Mohinder is the biggest emo of them all. Even his name is an emo band in itself. Hes like totally emo and cries when it rains and everything.

mohinder is the queen of all emos, he cant get enough.
iCraig said:
Mohinder is the biggest emo of them all. Even his name is an emo band in itself. Hes like totally emo and cries when it rains and everything.
I hear he calls his moto x bikes after dead poets.
Freefaller said:
I'm either out of touch, or am getting old, but I have no idea what any of this stuff means. :/

Then again I don't find any of that "depressed" look that people seem to like these days appealing in the slightest...

Hmm - not a patch on the Smiths then.

For those too young (or think the music to Charmed isn't old) the Smiths greatest hits/lyrics include:
* Girlfriend in a coma
* Heaven knows I'm miserable now
* What Difference Does It Make?
* Boy with a thorn in his side

Bahh just reinventing the wheel..
Hmmm what the hell/

[Removed link by me]

I also need time to find myself but then I remebered I'd left my Argonian in the Imperial City market district.
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WatchTower said:
Hmmm whta the hell

Emo girl stikes back

I also need time to find myself but then I remebered I'd left my Argonian in the Imperial City market district.

Her names is Rio... bit saucy!

Okies - perhaps a little too non-family friendly link there... on that site :p

Damnit - going to have to re-evaluate that again!
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NickK said:
Her names is Rio... bit saucy!

Okies - perhaps a little too non-family friendly link there... on that site :p

Damnit - going to have to re-evaluate that again!

Ahh I'm an idiot I don't think thats why mods give me holidays from here I'm a plonker.
when i was at school 8 years ago, you were either a goth or you wernt, so what the hells with this emo crap? are they like the "Real IRA" a splinter group of the goths called EMO?

and whether your an emo, a goth, a chav or a ben sherman wearing towny freak, why do you all try to fit into these groups and then gloriously claim "im an individual"

you all make my brain hurt.

This message was Written in Emo Pink
Arcade Fire said:
Do you not think that it might have been sensible to read some of the thread before posting in it? Hmm?

i just did on the first page, but im not going to wade through 6 pages. besides, this is the general discussion forum, not "Precise communication ONLY!" forum
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