What's bitten me? Am I going to die?

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
I noticed an itch on my legs towards the end of Wednesday and then yesterday I noticed swellings on my leg. Last night was terrible, I could hardly sleep because the itching was so bad and they hurt. I managed to avoid scratching them and ended up sitting in bed building a VPN server to take my mind off the pain and the itchyness.

There are six bites here over four places, all on my right leg.

Now I'm obviously not asking for medical advice as I don't want to know how to treat them but of course, I had to ask GD the obvious question.

Am I going to die?


More seriously, has anyone got any idea what could have bitten me here. On Wednesday I was at home all day apart from about half an hour when I drove my lad into town to sign on.

If I do die, who's claiming my stuff? :)
10 Jan 2004
You sir have been bitten by the lesser spotted letterbox pooper, expect droppings soon and amputation thereafter.

On a serious note it could be a garden spider, nasty buggers.

EDIT: On second thoughts it looks like a harvest mite bite, itchy as hell!
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16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
Because I run missile boats....
No, you really don't :p

Is your stuff good quality?
Of course. Except my leg, that's not so good right now.

Now imagine having that, complete with lesions, over 70%-80% of your body. Welcome to my world. :mad:
I can't imagine that. I feel for you but at the moment, I probably feel for myself more. Sorry :(

Chop your left leg off.
Hey, I keep falling down.

On a serious note it could be a garden spider, nasty buggers.
EDIT: On second thoughts it looks like a harvest mite bite, itchy as hell!
I have no idea where I could have picked the bites up from. I didn't in the garden on Wednesday, all I did was walk to the Feekmobile, drive to town, wait, drive home again and walk back indoors. The weather was rubbish, I simply didn't go out.
17 Jun 2007
Horse flies can do that. But that just looks like a normal reaction to a mossi bite.

Yes they are still around. I got bit last week. (we'd ripped a floor up) I saw it land on my arm then watched it suck my blood....I got the blood back though.
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