What's for Breakfast today?

Cheese and beans on wholewheat toast with smoked bacon. Strawberry, banana, and vanilla smoothie.
Tuna-mature cheddar-and red chilli melt followed by a big bowl of cornflakes with ovaltine milk and a few leaves of finely chopped fresh mint.
4 crispy-hot crumpets with salted butter and blackcurrant compote/jam. Big mug of English Breakfast Tea using 4 tea bags and maple syrup and double cream.
Exact same thing i eat 365 days of the year, 4 boiled eggs, 80g oats made with 250g milk with a banana mixed in 30g whey protein and cinnamon sprinkled on top. Might increase the oats to 120g depending on time of year and goals. Breakfast of champions.

No i never get bored of it, ever. I actually look forward to it.
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